Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Benefits of Vinegar

Did you know that vinegar has great health benefits?
1.Reduces arthritis pain! Just one teaspoon each of apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of water is an old folk cure that some people still swear by.
2.Helps diabetes by keeping blood sugar more balanced. As little as 2 tablespoons of vinegar with a meal can stop after-meal sugar spikes and improve insulin sensitivity! According to recent academic studies, vinegar slows the rise of blood sugar levels after you have eaten a meal, & when taken at bedtime lowers morning blood sugar levels.
3.Vinegar can shrink belly fat, too?! A Japanese study reveals that mixing 1 or 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a daily drink for 12 weeks significantly lowers abdominal fat!
Vinegar can be made from any fruit, or from any material containing sugar.  Vinegar is a fermented and acidic liquid used in a variety of recipes. There are many variations of vinegar, such as white, rice and apple cider. Most types of vinegar are fat-free and low in sodium and calories. Vinegar is also devoid of vitamins but contains minerals such as magnesium and potassium. Vinegar contains carbohydrates and sugar, so consumption should be moderated by those watching their sugar intake.

1. Calories
One cup of distilled vinegar contains about 30 calories. Red wine and cider vinegar have approximately 50 calories per cup, while balsamic vinegar contains over 200 calories per cup.
2. Sugar
A cup of white vinegar contains approximately 12 grams of sugar. Balsamic vinegar has about 50 grams of sugar per cup.
3. Potassium
Most types of vinegar contain a small amount of potassium. A cup of distilled vinegar contains 36 milligrams of potassium. A cup of apple cider vinegar contains 175 milligrams of potassium.
4. Sodium
Vinegar has almost no sodium content, which makes it a popular staple in sodium-free diets. A cup of white vinegar contains less than three milligrams of sodium.
5. Magnesium
One cup of distilled white vinegar contains about 53 milligrams of magnesium, which is 13 percent of the daily recommended value.
Apple Cider vinegar as well as many other types of vinegar are widely used for their culinary and medicinal benefits.

When made with care, most types of vinegar contain a host of healthful antioxidant compounds and nutrients derived from the fruit, grain, or sugar from which they are produced.

Each vinegar type has its own taste characteristics which go well with certain kinds of food found in various regions.

Herbs, spices and fruits can be infused in the milder ones to produce herbal vinegars or flavored vinegars with greatly enhanced tastes which you can tailor make for your cooking needs.

There are many different kinds of vinegar including: apple cider, distilled white, white & red wine, rice, balsamic, sherry, malt, cane, & coconut. Each comes in different amounts of carbs or sugars. When following the Omni Drops® diet, one must adhere to the correct kinds allowed. Otherwise, you might gain weight or your weight loss might not set properly. Apple cider is one of the best for this diet plan. Must check bottle labels for amount of grams of sugar. You want the lowest amount. Any vinegar made from grapes, such as white & red wine vinegars, are not allowed. Also, rice & balsamic vinegars have too many sugars as well. Using Omni Drops® is a fast easy way to lose weight.

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