Monday, July 29, 2013

It's National Whole Grains Month!

Let's celebrate by food that may reduce heart disease, constipation, weight gain & birth defects. Try to Incorporate these grains into your diet:
  1. Oats aren’t just for breakfast. Try: bread with added whole-grain oats or fruit cobbler topped with oats & a little bit of brown sugar. You can, also, replace up to half of the flour in a recipe with oat flour. Try making pancakes using whole oats & whole-wheat flour.
  2. Brown rice is more nutritious than white. Try: brown rice in stir-fry, a casserole or as stuffing for baked peppers or tomatoes.
  3. Spelt is a type of wheat, but a bit sweeter, nuttier & richer in protein than regular wheat. Try: spelt pasta, pretzels or crackers.
  4. Quinoa is an ancient grain with a nutty flavor & a chewy texture. Try: quinoa instead of rice as a side dish, or try it in pilafs or risotto.
  5. Corn. Try: whole-grain cornbread, baked tortillas or air-popped popcorn without the butter & salt.
Whole grains are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber & other health-protecting nutrients. Research suggests they may help fight cardiovascular disease & control insulin, triglycerides & weight.
Fiber N Mor® is Omnitrition®'s Fiber with Psyllium Husk!

Fiber N Mor® is Omnitrition®'s Fiber with Psyllium Husk!

Fiber N Mor® is designed to help you maintain a healthy digestive tract.

Fiber N Mor® contains: 880mg Psyllium and 10mg Lactobacillus Acidophilus.
Phaso Trim® is Omnitrition®'s Natural Carb Blocker.

Phaso Trim® is Omnitrition®'s Natural Carb Blocker.

Phaseolamin is a carb-blocking ingredient made from white kidney beans. Each capsule blocks up to 400 starch/carbohydrate calories from absorbing into your system.

Phaso Trim® reduces the amount of insulin secreted by the pancreas & may help to burn existing fat. Promotes weight loss even without being on a diet. You can still eat the carbs; you just won't wear them!
Aim to make half your grains whole, eating at least 3 daily servings, or about 48 grams of whole grains per day. Tip: Look for the yellow Whole Grain Stamp on the label to ensure whole-grain content.

What’s in a name?

When shopping, look for the word whole as the first item on the ingredients list, or for the words 100% whole grain on the product label. Terms such as brown, nine-grain, mixed grain and multi-grain don’t guarantee the product is whole-grain.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Benefits of Cucumbers

Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium & Zinc.
OMNI 4® is America's Best Liquid Vitamin!

OMNI 4® is America's Best Liquid Vitamin!

Vitamins are beneficial to our bodies to help keep us healthy and provide us with healthy teeth and gums, healthy skin, hair, nails and more.

Omnitrition® uses a specially patented micellization process that enables vitamins and minerals to become water-soluble so your body absorbs what it needs and flushes the rest.

The Physicians Desk Reference states that 96-98% of liquid vitamins are absorbed by the body versus 10-20% of conventional pill vitamins.

Comes with or without glucosamine. Omni 4®, also, contains Coenzyme Q10.
Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda & pick up a cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B Vitamins & carbohydrates that can provide that quick pick-me-up that can last for hours.
Omnitrition's Charge® Gives you Energy to Face the Day!

Omnitrition's Charge® Gives you Energy to Face the Day!

Who needs more energy?...almost anyone!
Full of B vitamins, Omnitrition's Charge® may be very helpful with: stress, fatigue, anxiety, energy, focus, & concentration.

The caffeine in Omnitrition's Charge® is water based & equivalent to only 1/5 cup of coffee. We like to call it the "Nutritional Alternative to Coffee"!
Looking for a fast & easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a few minutes, the phytochemicals in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer & reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles, too!

Nite Lite® is Omnitrition®'s Natural Sleep Aide.

Nite Lite® relaxes you & puts you at peace, so you can fall asleep easily. Sleep Like a Baby With Nite Lite®!

Nite Lite® benefits may include:
  • Proven & Documented Benefits of H.G.H
  • Restores muscle mass. Decreases body Fat.
  • Helps counteract Osteoporosis by Increasing Bone Density.
  • Thickens Skin; Reduces Wrinkles.
  • Increases Energy.
  • Restores Vital Organ size(Your liver & heart shrink with age.)
  • Improves Vision & Memory.
  • Elevates Mood.
  • Normalizes Blood Pressure.
  • Increases Sexual Function & Pleasure.
  • Helps menstrual cycle regulation & effects of Menopause.
  • Increases Cardiac Output & Stamina--Inhibits & Reverses human biological Aging.
Thermo Herbal Tea® is Omnitrition®'s Amazing Thermogenic Fat Burner!

Thermo Herbal Tea® is Omnitrition®'s Amazing Thermogenic Fat Burner!

It combines green & black tea for a great taste! Comes in bottle or packets(for convenience). Also, available in sugar-free packets sweetened with Stevia.

Omnitrition's Thermo Herbal Tea® is more than a weight loss product. We like to call it a "Health Tonic". It contains:
1. Green Tea, which provides a powerful antioxidant & may help protect cells from damage linked to cancer, heart disease & other illnesses.
2. Theobromine may aid in cognitive brain function, memory & well-being. It is, also, a natural diuretic.
3. Synephrine may burn fat, may increase physical performance & may help to build lean muscle mass.
4. DHEA is thought to be anti-aging! It may decrease body fat & pain as it increases muscle tone, mobility, & life span. It may promote well-being, health & longevity, may enhance the activity of the immune system, may reduce heart disease, may improve sleep & may help to prevent cancer, arterial disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease & may help treat Lupus.
5. Tyrosine is thought to be a mood elevator & suppress appetite, may reduce body fat, may aid in the function of the adrenal, thyroid & pituitary glands. It, also, may help with stress reduction, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, allergies & headaches.
PhytoNutrients® is Omnitrition's® Stress Buster!

PhytoNutrients® is Omnitrition's® Stress Buster!

What are PhytoNutrients?
Phytonutrients are nutrients derived from plants that have been shown to be necessary for sustaining life. Also called phytochemicals, phytonutrients are natural bioactive compounds found in fruits & vegetables that work together with vitamins, minerals, & fiber to promote good health.

Julie Guenther, Buckley, WA- I never go without them. They help keep the stresses of daily life manageable.
Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed; wake up refreshed & headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins & electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover & headache!

Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge? Cucumbers have been used by European trappers, traders & explorers for quick meals to thwart off starvation.

Stressed out & don’t have time for massage, facial or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber & place it in a boiling pot of water, the chemicals & nutrients from the cucumber will react with the boiling water & be released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown to reduce stress in new mothers & college students during final exams.

Just finish a business lunch & realize you don’t have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber & press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath; the photochemical will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Cucumber Water for Detox

Cucumber water is a refreshing drink, with low calorie value, but lots of health benefits. Cucumber has lots of nutrients & antioxidants, it's, also, anti-viral in nature & cleanses your body. Therefore, cucumber water can, also, be used as a detoxification diet.

Benefits of Cucumber Water

Cucumber water has several health benefits including: body cleanse, protection from UV rays on sunny days, weight loss, due to its low calories, re-hydration, because it contains lots of minerals like: Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Phosphorus, etc. Additionally, it, also, helps you in increasing overall water intake.

How to prepare Cucumber Water ?

Preparation for soaking method:

step 1. Cut the cucumber into very thin slices
step 2. Put the cucumber slices into a pitcher full of water.
step 3. Close the pitcher & shake it well.
step 4. Refridgerate for an hour or 2 or overnight. The more it soaks the stronger it tastes.
If you don't like the plain flavor of cucumber water, you can make it more refreshing by adding ingredients such as mint leaves, lemon, lime, ginger, etc.

*Caution if you're using the cucumber water as a detox diet then you will be drinking lots of cucumber water throughout the day; however, you shouldn't continue it for more than 1-2 days without any medical supervision.
Omnitrition® has Easy to Use Great Tasting Products for Incredible Weight Loss!

Omnitrition® has Easy to Use Great Tasting Products for Incredible Weight Loss!

Who wants to lose up to 1-2 pounds per day? Fast & Easy to Use!

Omni Weight Loss Drops®

Who wants to lose up to 1-2 pounds per day?
Fast & Easy to Use! Get yours Today!

The Omni Weight Loss Drops® come with a low calorie clean eating program. The low calorie eating program will assist in weight loss, while the drops help suppress appetite and help in the resetting of the hypothalamus, which regulates the metabolism. Weight loss varies from individual to individual.

Look at who did the Omni Weight Loss Drops® & Lost! You can be a loser, too, & win!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Fruit Tastes Like Candy

Fruits like mango may taste sweet like candy, like my son thinks, but it is rich in health-boosting polyphenols & carotenoids.

What are polyphenols & carotenoids?

About Carotenoids

Fruits and vegetables that are high in carotenoids appear to protect humans against certain cancers, heart disease, and age-related macular degeneration.

About Polyphenols

Also known as secondary plant metabolites, polyphenols are natural components of a wide variety of plants. Foods rich in polyphenols include: onions, apples, tea, red wine, red grapes, grape juice, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, & some nuts. Polyphenols are subclassified in nonflavonoids & flavonoids. Flavonoids have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease in some studies.
Common Phytonutrients include:
  • Carotenoids
  • Coumarins
  • Flavonoids
  • Indoles
  • Lignans
  • Isoflavones(including Genistein & Daidzen)
  • Organosulfurs
  • Phytosterols or Phytohormones

What are PhytoNutrients?

Phytonutrients are nutrients derived from plants that have been shown to be necessary for sustaining life. Also called phytochemicals, phytonutrients are natural bioactive compounds found in fruits & vegetables that work together with vitamins, minerals, & fiber to promote good health.

Julie Guenther, Buckley, WA- I never go without them. They help keep the stresses of daily life manageable.
Phytonutrients is Omnitrition's Stress Buster!
Omnitrition's® Stress Buster
Mango may, also, help improve glucose levels.  In one study, participants lowered their blood sugar significantly in 12 weeks by eating 2/3 cup, approximately 65 calories, of mango daily.
OmniTrim Extra Enhancer® may help stabilize blood sugar levels & enhances the thermogenic products, the Thermo Herbal Tea® & Thermo Java®. It, also, may help to reduce, or stop altogether, sugar cravings, & converts sugars to energy instead of fat. Extra Enhancers®, also, may help to reduce cellulite. OmniTrim Extra Enhancer® contains chromium, which is an essential mineral. Chromium levels decline with age & most adults are deficient. Chromium helps to promote fat loss & lean muscle tension. It may reduce the risk of glucose intolerance. Great for people with diabetes or hypoglycemia! OmniTrim Extra Enhancer may help balance blood sugar.
According to researchers, fiber can slow sugar absorption, as well, which may explain how mango helps lower blood sugar.

Fiber N Mor® is Omnitrition®'s Fiber with Psyllium Husk!

Fiber N Mor® may help with various intestinal issues including, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease.
Fiber N Mor® is Omnitrition®'s Fiber with Psyllium Husk!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Drop Cancer Risk

According to "Health News" from Good Housekeeping Magazine:  Maintaining any 5 of these 7 healthy behaviors...
  1. Regular exercise
  2. Eating a good healthy diet
  3. Controlling weight
  4. Quit smoking
  5. Normal blood pressure
  6. Normal cholesterol
  7. Normal glucose levels
May help drop cancer risk by 39%.

OMNI SPORT® is Omnitrition®'s Choline Workout Drink.

Omni Sport® has a strong amino acid base that may aid in muscle recovery, stamina, & endurance while at the same time helping to build lean muscle mass.

Roger Daley, owner of Omnitrition®, transformed his body using Omni Sport®.

Gayle Sibat, Winter Springs, FL- Omni Sport® helps me get more out of my workout at the gym, especially after a long day at work.

*Caution: Use only as directed. Not for use by children. This product contains choline, and should not be used by Parkinson's Disease patients, or those who are taking prescription anticholinergic drugs. Not for use by diabetics, pregnant or lactating women, cancer patients, or persons who have had ocular or brain herpes.
OMNI SPORT® is Omnitrition®'s Choline Workout Drink.

OMNI 4® is America's Best Liquid Vitamin!

This orange, papaya-flavored drink is a good foundation for all ages, 0 to 100 & older!
1. Helps put balance in your body by helping to get rid of toxins that build up in your system.
2. Excellent compliment to a weight loss program, because your body will lose weight much easier if it is in balance.
3. Most diseases & illnesses may be attributed to lack of proper nutrition. Taking Omni 4® every day will ensure you are giving your body what it needs.
4. It may be very beneficial to people who suffer with asthma & allergies.
5. Glucosamine may help with muscle, tissues, tendons & joints. May help to eliminate fine lines & wrinkles. May promote new tissue growth & may delay the progression of osteoarthritis.
6. Co-Enzyme Q10, "The Spark of Life", an anti-aging nutrient, may help with renal failure, congestive heart failure, hypertension, neurological & neuro-degenerative diseases, diabetes & cancer. Studies have shown breast cancer to be linked to a decrease in plasma Co-Q10 levels. Everyone should be on Omni4 ®!
OMNI 4® is America's Best Liquid Vitamin!

Omnitrition® has Easy to Use Great Tasting Products for Incredible Weight Loss!

Including their 3 most popular weight loss products: 
  1. Omnitrition's Raspberry Ketones® with African Mango
  2. OmniTrim Green Coffee Bean Extract®
  3. Omni Weight Loss Drops®!
Omnitrition's Raspberry Ketone® is Omnitrition's newest weight loss product.  Introduced less than a month ago, it is so popular that the manufacturer is having trouble keeping up with demand!  Therefore, it is currently unavailable to order.
Omnitrition® has Easy to Use Great Tasting Products for Incredible Weight Loss!

Omni Smart® is Omnitrition®'s Oral Chelator

For a Healthier Heart & Cardiovascular System

Omni Smart®, also known as "liquid drano" for your heart, has minerals & natural ingredients that may support heart & blood vessel function. Good for anyone with a heart! Heart attack & stroke are the leading causes of death for people over the age of 50. People who have a family history of heart disease would especially benefit from this product using it preventatively. May help to lower cholesterol & blood pressure.
Omni Smart® is Omnitrition®'s Oral Chelator.

OMNITRIM EXTRA ENHANCER® may help balance your blood sugar.

OmniTrim Extra Enhancer® may help stabilize blood sugar levels & enhances the thermogenic products, the Thermo Herbal Tea® & Thermo Java®. It, also, may help to reduce, or stop altogether, sugar cravings, & converts sugars to energy instead of fat. It may reduce the risk of glucose intolerance.

Trish Holland, Winter Springs, FL- OmniTrim Extra Enhancer® helps to balance the sugars in my body helping to cut my insulin requirement by more than 30%.

Heidi Whitehair, Buckley, WA- Uses Extra Enhancers® to help control her hypoglycemia. By taking 1 or 2 capsules before she eats anything with sugar or has a glass of wine, her body does not have an insulin reaction triggering hypoglycemia.
OMNITRIM EXTRA ENHANCER® may help balance your blood sugar.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Diet Tips for Headache Relief

By Mehmet C. Oz, MD, and Michael F. Roizen, MD (Borrowed from RealAge Tip)
Do your headaches make you feel like your head is about to explode? If so, you are not alone. Janet Jackson, Marcia Cross, & Hugh Jackman all suffer from crushing head pain. Clearly, a throbbing tension headache, 90% of all headaches are this type, or a pulsating migraine can stop anyone in their tracks. How to end the mind-numbing assault? Over-the-counter & prescription medications for headaches, including migraines, can relieve & sometimes prevent pain, but to be pain-free, you may need to make over your diet. We suggest:
  • Change your diet to eat more foods rich in magnesium & riboflavin (vitamin B2). Riboflavin is in low/no-fat dairy, eggs, nuts, & green vegetables. Magnesium is in green veggies, whole grains, nuts, & potatoes. You can, also, supplement with 400 mg of riboflavin & at least 100 mg of magnesium daily.
  • Make sure you are not vitamin D deficient. It’s linked to headaches. You want at least 1,000 IU's of vitamin D3 a day; 1,200 IU after age 60.
  • Identify food triggers. It’s mostly word of mouth that everything from red wine to chocolate can launch a headache, but if you suspect certain foods trigger yours, keep a daily diary to track what you eat & when your head hurts. It may reveal problem foods. Eliminate them from your diet & you may have fewer headaches.
I take this nutritional supplement from Omnitrition on a daily basis & rarely get headaches.

OMNI 4® IS America's Best Liquid Vitamin!

I take this nutritional supplement from Omnitrition on a daily basis & rarely get headaches.

This orange, papaya-flavored drink is a good foundation for all ages, 0 to 100 & older!
1. Puts balance in your body by helping to get rid of toxins that build up in your system.
2. Most diseases & illnesses can be attributed to lack of proper nutrition. Taking Omni 4® every day will ensure you are giving your body what it needs.
3. It is very beneficial to people who suffer with asthma & allergies.

Contains:  40mg Magnesium, 1.7mg Riboflavin, & 200IU Vitamin D
Omnitrition's Charge® Gives Me Energy to Face the Day!

Omnitrition's Charge® Gives Me Energy to Face the Day!

Who needs more energy?...almost anyone!
Full of B vitamins, including Vitamin B2(7.4mg), Omnitrition's Charge® is very helpful with: stress, fatigue, anxiety, energy, focus, & concentration. B vitamins are also natural anti-inflammatories, so they are helpful for people who suffer from many kinds of muscle or joint aches & pains. In addition, Omnitrition's Charge® has Phenylalanine, a natural pain killer

*The caffeine in Omnitrition's Charge® is water based & equivalent to only 1/5 cup of coffee. We like to call it the "Nutritional Alternative to Coffee"!
SHIELD® is Omnitrition®'s Very Own Antioxidant! Contains Vitamins D &B2, & Magnesium.

SHIELD® is Omnitrition®'s Very Own Antioxidant!

Omnitrition's Shield® is a multivitamin, in capsule form, with a strong mineral base. It should be used in conjunction with Omni 4®. People who cannot take Omni 4®, should definitely be on this vitamin. Antioxidants help protect the body from harmful free radicals & toxins. Everyone should take antioxidants! They are, also, beneficial to people who suffer from allergies & chronic sinus infections.

Contains:  800mg Vitamin D3, 400mg Magnesium, & 12.75mg Vitamin B2
Omni Smart® is Omnitrition®'s Oral Chelator! Contains: 300mg Magnesium

Omni Smart® is Omnitrition®'s Oral Chelator!

Omni Smart®, also known as "liquid drano" for your heart, has minerals & natural ingredients that support heart & blood vessel function. Good for anyone with a heart! Heart attack & stroke are the leading causes of death for people over the age of 50. People who have a family history of heart disease would especially benefit from this product using it preventatively. Helps to lower cholesterol & blood pressure. It, also, aids in getting rid of heavy metal toxicity, which is found in many kinds of neurological disorders.

Contains:  300mg Magnesium
Nite Lite® is Omnitrition®'s Natural Sleep Aide. Contains 60mg Magnesium

Nite Lite® is Omnitrition®'s Natural Sleep Aide.

Nite Lite® is an incredible multi-purpose product. The ingredients in it are formulated to allow your body to get to the metabolic rate(REM) it needs to be at during the night to repair, restore, & rejuvenate. Our bodies were meant to sleep at night. Most of us don't allow ourselves enough time to sleep. Lack of sleep is one of the quickest ways to age your body & set yourself up for diseases & illnesses. Sleep deprivation is the#1 medical problem in the U.S. today.

Contains:  60mg Magnesium
Omnitrition's Thermo Herbal Tea helps with headaches!

Thermo Herbal Tea® is Omnitrition®'s Amazing Thermogenic Fat Burner!

Omnitrition's Thermo Herbal Tea® is more than a weight loss product. We like to call it a "Health Tonic". It contains:
1. Green Tea, which provides a powerful antioxidant & helps protect cells from damage linked to cancer, heart disease & other illnesses.
2. Theobromine aides in cognitive brain function, memory & well-being. It is, also, a natural diuretic.
3. Tyrosine is a mood elevator, suppresses appetite, reduces body fat, aids in the function of the adrenal, thyroid & pituitary glands. It, also, helps with stress reduction, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, allergies & headaches.

You can, also, get Thermo Herbal Tea with Stevia® in packets or Thermo Java®, Omnitrition's answer to the coffee drinker.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

How to Choose the Best Sunscreen

Borrowed from: Lisa Fayed

Choosing the Right SPF in Sunscreen

SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. The higher the SPF number, the better protection against the sun's harmful UVB rays. The SPF number lets you know how much longer you can stay out of the sun without burning. For example, if it takes 15 minutes for a person to burn, an SPF 15 will allow them to stay out in the sun 15 times longer without burning.

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends wearing an SPF of 15 or higher for maximum protection. SPF is available in levels from 2 to 60. Does highest mean the best protection? Not necessarily. An SPF of 50 only provides 1% to 2% more protection than an SPF 30.

UVA vs. UVB Protection

The label of the sunscreen will indicate whether it has UVA or UVB protection.  Choose a product that states, "UVA/UVB," protection or has "broad spectrum" protectant.
  • UVA rays are responsible for the aging effect of the sun; however, overexposure to UVA rays can cause skin cancer.
  • UVB rays are responsible for sunburns & skin cancer.

Waterproof or Water Resistant

If you are looking for a sunscreen to use while in the water, choose a sunscreen that is "waterproof" or "water resistant."  "Waterproof" sunscreen should provide protection in the water for 80 minutes, while "water resistant" provides only 40 minutes of protection.
Vitamins are beneficial to our bodies to keep us healthy and provide us with healthy teeth and gums, healthy skin, hair, nails and more.

OMNI 4® is America's Best Liquid Vitamin!

Why, you say?

Omnitrition® uses a specially patented micellization process that enables vitamins and minerals to become water-soluble so your body absorbs what it needs and flushes the rest. Therefore, your body cannot store toxic amounts. Omni 4®, also, contains Coenzyme Q10, which aids in the maintenance of a healthy immune system, may inhibit artery-clogging plaque buildup and potentially fatal blood clots, and is important in playing a part in releasing energy in food. Vitamins are beneficial to our bodies to keep us healthy and provide us with healthy teeth and gums, healthy skin, hair, nails and more.
SHIELD® is Omnitrition®'s Very Own Antioxidant!

SHIELD® is Omnitrition®'s Very Own Antioxidant!

Omnitrition's Shield® is a multivitamin, in capsule form, with a strong mineral base. It should be used in conjunction with Omni 4®. People who cannot take Omni 4®, should definitely be on this vitamin. Antioxidants help protect the body from harmful free radicals & toxins, that cause damage to cells, thereby leading to such infections & various degenerative diseases like heart disease & cancer. Everyone should take antioxidants! They are, also, beneficial to people who suffer from allergies & chronic sinus infections.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Here are Three Fruits for Great Summer Skin

Borrowed from RealAge
Be sure to slather on that SPF when you are out in the sun this summer. But for extra sun protection, eat plenty of these fruits as well: cherries, nectarines, and watermelon.

These juicy treats not only taste great in warm weather, but may shield your skin from the hot sun, too. Compounds in the fruits may boost your skin's natural resilience against wrinkles & sun damage, according to Allison Tannis, author of Feed Your Skin, Starve Your Wrinkles.

In-Season Skin Savers: What's so special about these fruits? Check out their unique protective benefits.
  1. Cherries: Eat a daily handful & you may enjoy fresher, less puffy skin. It's thanks to the inflammation-fighting anthocyanins & melatonin in cherries, writes Tannis. Melatonin may boost UV protection & cell growth as well, 2 great ways to keep wrinkles at bay. Tart cherries tend to be highest in melatonin. Tart cherries might help fight cancer, too.
  2. Nectarines: These sisters of the peach provide a several nutrients that may help correct sun damage from the inside out, according to Tannis. They offer these skin goodies: lycopene, lutein, niacin, copper, and vitamins A, C, and E. Vitamins A, C, and E, also, work to control inflammation & free radical damage in both the watery & the fatty layers of skin.
  3. Watermelon: Eating watermelon has the power to refresh your face as much as your palate, thanks to the high water & lycopene content. Lycopene helps protect & preserve connections between skin cells so skin is tighter, smoother, and better able to retain moisture.

Check out these supplements from Omnitrition® that may help your skin, too:

Nite Lite® is Omnitrition®'s Natural Sleep Aide.

Nite Lite® is an incredible multi-purpose product. The ingredients in it are formulated to allow your body to get to the metabolic rate(REM) it needs to be at during the night to repair, restore, & rejuvenate.  Nite Lite®, also, contains melatonin.  Nite Lite® benefits include:
  • Proven & Documented Benefits of H.G.H
  • Restores muscle mass. Decreases body Fat.
  • Helps counteract Osteoporosis by Increasing Bone Density.
  • Thickens Skin; Reduces Wrinkles.
  • Increases Energy.
  • Restores Vital Organ size(Your liver & heart shrink with age.)
  • Improves Vision & Memory.
  • Elevates Mood.
  • Normalizes Blood Pressure.
  • Increases Sexual Function & Pleasure.
  • Helps menstrual cycle regulation & effects of Menopause.
  • Increases Cardiac Output & Stamina--Inhibits & Reverses human biological Aging.
Omnitrition's Nite Lite is multi-purpose & helps thicken skin & reduce wrinkles.

Thermo Herbal Tea® is Omnitrition®'s Amazing Thermogenic Fat Burner

Omnitrition's Thermo Herbal Tea® is more than a weight loss product. We like to call it a "Health Tonic". It contains:
1. Green Tea, which provides a powerful antioxidant & helps protect cells from damage linked to cancer, heart disease & other illnesses.
2. Theobromine aides in cognitive brain function, memory & well-being. It is, also, a natural diuretic.
3. Synephrine burns fat, increases physical performance & helps to build lean muscle mass.
4. DHEA is anti-aging! It decreases body fat & pain as it increases muscle tone, mobility, & life span. It promotes well-being, health & longevity, enhances the activity of the immune system, reduces heart disease, improves sleep & helps to prevent cancer, arterial disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease & helps treat Lupus.
5. Tyrosine is a mood elevator, suppresses appetite, reduces body fat, aids in the function of the adrenal, thyroid & pituitary glands. It, also, helps with stress reduction, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, allergies & headaches.
Omnitrition's Thermo Herbal Tea helps increase muscle tone & contains anti-aging DHEA!

OMNI 4® IS America's Best Liquid Vitamin!

Omnitrition® uses a specially patented micellization process that enables vitamins and minerals to become water-soluble so your body absorbs what it needs and flushes the rest. Therefore, your body cannot store toxic amounts.

Vitamins are beneficial to our bodies to keep us healthy and provide us with healthy teeth and gums, healthy skin, hair, nails and more.

Omni4® contains:
  • Vitamin A 5000 IU
  • Vitamin C 122mg
  • Vitamin E 30 IU
Omni4 is America's best liquid vitamin! Vitamins are beneficial to our bodies & help keep my skin healthy, too.

SHIELD® is Omnitrition®'s Very Own Antioxidant!

Omnitrition's Shield® is a multivitamin, in capsule form, with a strong mineral base. It should be used in conjunction with Omni 4®. People who cannot take Omni 4®, should definitely be on this vitamin. Antioxidants help protect the body from harmful free radicals & toxins, that cause damage to cells, thereby leading to such infections & various degenerative diseases like heart disease & cancer. Everyone should take antioxidants! They are, also, beneficial to people who suffer from allergies & chronic sinus infections.

Shield® contains:
  • Vitamin A 5000 IU
  • Vitamin C 120mg
  • Vitamin E 30 IU
SHIELD® is Omnitrition®'s Very Own Antioxidant!