Sunday, March 23, 2014

3 Red Foods for a Healthy Heart

According to new research adding tomatoes, apples, & cranberries to your daily diet can reduce your risk of heart disease by 40%. Diet should be your first line of defense for treating high cholesterol & high blood pressure, 2 of the biggest risk factors for heart disease. Michael Blaha, M.D., director of clinical research for prevention of heart disease at Johns Hopkins, says, " A heart-healthy diet is always the first step. Diet alone can create a dramatic improvement in cholesterol."
Omni Smart® is Omnitrition®'s Oral Chelator... For a Healthier Heart & Cardiovascular System!

Omni Smart® is Omnitrition®'s Oral Chelator...
For a Healthier Heart & Cardiovascular System!

Omni Smart®, also known as "liquid drano" for your heart, has minerals & natural ingredients that may support heart & blood vessel function. Good for anyone with a heart! Heart attack & stroke are the leading causes of death for people over the age of 50. People who have a family history of heart disease would especially benefit from this product using it preventatively.

Dr. Dean, the formulator of Omni Smart®, when asked who should use this: he said: "If you are over 30 and have a heart”!

These antioxidant-rich fruits are tasty & healthy:

Eat lycopene-rich foods, like tomatoes.  Lycopene is an antioxidant.


Scientists at Tufts University in Boston found that eating lycopene-rich foods, like tomatoes, more than 5 times a week reduced coronary disease risk by 26%. Lycopene is an antioxidant that gives tomatoes their color. Cooking tomatoes helps the lycopene be better absorbed according Gerard E. Mullin, M.D. of Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.
SHIELD® is Omnitrition®'s Very Own Antioxidant!

SHIELD® is Omnitrition®'s Very Own Antioxidant!

Omnitrition's Shield® is a multivitamin, in capsule form, with a strong mineral base. It should be used in conjunction with Omni 4®. People who cannot take Omni 4®, should definitely be on this vitamin. Antioxidants may help protect the body from harmful free radicals & toxins, that cause damage to cells, thereby leading to such infections & various degenerative diseases. Everyone should take antioxidants!

Works hand in hand with Omni Smart®! Do You Have Your Shield® Up?

OMNI 4® is America's Best Liquid Vitamin!

OMNI 4® is America's Best Liquid Vitamin!

This orange, papaya-flavored drink is a good foundation for all ages, 0 to 100 & older! Helps put balance in your body by helping to get rid of toxins that build up in your system.

Also, contains Co-Enzyme Q10 known as "The Spark of Life"! Studies have shown certain illnesses to be linked to a decrease in plasma Co-Q10 levels. Everyone should be on Omni4 ®!
The peel contains the most antioxidants, so eat a fresh apple.


Wow, eating an apple a day can keep the doctor away! According a small research at Ohio State University, having an apple a day can reduce your bad, LDL, cholesterol by 40%. And a study at Iowa Women's Health found postmenopausal women having a lowered risk of dying from Heart disease. The peel contains the most antioxidants, so eat a fresh apple.


A study at the University of Scranton showed drinking 3 cups of cranberry juice daily can raise HDL, or good, cholesterol by 10%, as well as, reduce heart disease by 40%. This juice, also, decreased atherosclerosis by preventing plaque from forming.
OmniTrim Chito, Omnitrition's fat blocker, helps to block calories from fat!

OMNITRIM CHITO® is Omnitrition®'s Own Unique Fat Blocker!  Blocks many of the fat calories you eat.

Let OmniTrim Chito®, an all natural supplement derived from the outer shells of shrimp, crabs & other shellfish, take some of the fat out of your diet. Chito® has the unique ability to attach itself to the lipids or fats in your stomach before they are digested. Chito® surrounds some of the dietary fat and prevents its absorption in the digestive tract.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Foods That Cause Gas

Are you having lots of gas, flatulence, and burping after a meal? It's probably because the foods you're eating are hard for your body to break down. Its natural to experience gas. Your body releases it as a byproduct of undigested foods through burping & flatulence up to 24 times a day. However, if you sometimes experience painful or excessive gas, chances are it is from your diet.

Why Gas Happens

When you eat, your digestive system works to break down food into usable energy to power the cells, as well as, the body's many processes & functions. Sometimes your gut finds certain foods too difficult to break down into energy & waste, so gas is the leftover product when those foods sit in your colon.

Portions of foods that can't be broken down & digested by the intestines travel to the colon, which is full of bacteria. The bacteria in your colon ferment these undigested particles of food, resulting in gas, burping, and flatulence.

Gas may, also, be caused by foods that the small intestine cannot handle, because it doesn't contain enough of the enzyme, lactase. This enzyme breaks down lactose, the sugar that's in milk & milk products. If lactose can't be broken down, bacteria begin to ferment those sugars & cause flatulence.

The Biggest Offenders

Everyone's body reacts differently to different foods. Some people have no trouble digesting milk products, while others suffer excessive gas from it. Different types of sugars found in foods, including fruits & vegetables, are often difficult for the body to handle. Here are some of the foods fitting this description:

  • Milk and dairy products
  • Starchy foods like potatoes and pasta
  • Wheat and oat bran
  • Foods sweetened with artificial sweeteners, such as soda, gum, and hard candy
  • Bananas, peaches, apricots, pears, and raw apples
  • Raisins, melons, blackberries, mangoes, & plums
  • Prunes and prune juice
  • Colas and fruit drinks sweetened with fructose
  • Beans and lentils
  • Onions, green peppers, shallots, and scallions
  • Cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and peas
  • Corn, celery, artichokes, asparagus, and carrots
Not all of these foods may give you excessive gas, and you may find completely different foods that do. Keep in mind that excessive gas can be caused by certain medications, health conditions, and swallowing too much air when you chew gum or eat too quickly.

If you've recently increased the fiber in your diet, which is a good idea for better digestive health & bowel regularity, excessive gas is common. Your body might take some time, up to a week, to get used to the extra fiber & learn how to break it down. Then, your excess gas should go away.

Remember that gas is normal, and there's a huge health benefit to eating a lot of fiber. But if these foods cause you to have frequent, persistent gas or pain in your abdomen, you may have to find some dietary alternatives. A healthy diet should make you feel great, not gassy.

Fiber N Mor® is Omnitrition®'s Fiber with Psyllium Husk!

Fiber N Mor® is designed to help you maintain a healthy digestive tract. According to Dr. Mark Hyman, "The health of your gut determines what nutrients are absorbed and what toxins, allergens, and microbes are kept out. It is directly linked to the health of your whole body."

Psyllium husk is a soluble dietary fiber. The probiotic, lactobacillus acidophilus, provides 4 million live organisms that improve intestinal microbial balance with good bacteria.
Fiber N Mor® is Omnitrition®'s Fiber with Psyllium Husk!

OMNITRIM CHITO® is Omnitrition®'s Own Unique Fat Blocker!
Blocks many of the fat calories you eat.

Let OmniTrim Chito®, an all natural supplement derived from the outer shells of shrimp, crabs & other shellfish, take some of the fat out of your diet. Chito® surrounds some of the dietary fat and prevents its absorption in the digestive tract. The ingredients in Chitosan may also...
  • Aid the digestive system(This is not a cure, but may help alleviate symptoms.)
OMNITRIM CHITO® is Omnitrition®'s Own Unique Fat Blocker! Blocks many of the fat calories you eat. May aid the digestive system.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

How Sugar Makes You Fat

It may be killing you, too! According to a new study, too much added sugar, like that from sweetened sodas, cakes, cookies, & candy, increases your risk of death from heart disease. Quanhe Yang of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention says, " The risk of cardiovascular disease death increases exponentially as you increase your consumption of added sugar."

The average U.S adult gets 330 calories a day from added sugar. The American Heart Association recommends under 100 calories per day for women, equal to 6 teaspoons, and under 150 for men, equal to 9 teaspoons.

This study found that people who got more than 21% of their daily calories from added sugar doubled the risk of death from heart disease compared with those who got less than 10% of calories from added sugar. Also, those who had 7 or more servings of sugary beverages a week were 29% more likely to have a risk of death from heart disease than those who had 1 serving or less.

Frank Hu at Harvard School of Public Health says, "Excessive added sugar has been linked to high blood pressure, cholesterol & fatty liver problems, as well as making insulin less effective in lowering blood sugar."
Omni Smart® is Omnitrition®'s Oral Chelator... For a Healthier Heart & Cardiovascular System!

Omni Smart® is Omnitrition®'s Oral Chelator...
For a Healthier Heart & Cardiovascular System!

Omni Smart®, also known as "liquid drano" for your heart, has minerals & natural ingredients that may support heart & blood vessel function. Good for anyone with a heart! Heart attack & stroke are the leading causes of death for people over the age of 50. People who have a family history of heart disease would especially benefit from this product using it preventatively.

Dr. Dean, the formulator of Omni Smart®, when asked who should use this: he said: "If you are over 30 and have a heart”!
Let OMNITRIM EXTRA ENHANCER® help balance your blood sugar!

Let OMNITRIM EXTRA ENHANCER® help balance your blood sugar!

OmniTrim Extra Enhancer® may help stabilize blood sugar levels & "turbos" the thermogenic products, the Thermo Herbal Tea® & Thermo Java® helping them work more effectively. 

OmniTrim Extra Enhancer® combines the benefits of calcium, magnesium, potassium, gymnema sylvestre, & chromium in a fiber base to provide a balanced formula for good health.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

What's New About the Fight Against Multiple Sclerosis?

What is Multiple Sclerosis?

It is a chronic, potentially disabling disease in which the body's immune system attacks the protective coating, or myelin, that covers the nerves affecting 400,000 Americans. This damage interrupts the communication between the brain, spinal cord & the rest of the body. Symptoms can vary from fatigue & numbness to vision problems, bladder problems, difficulty walking & more. Also, these symptoms can change over time for each individual making it hard to diagnose. The progress & severity of MS is unpredictable. Experts don't know what causes it & so far, there is no known cure.

So what is the latest research?

  • According to new research, there is evidence that suggests a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium perfringens, commonly found on raw meats & poultry & has been responsible for millions of foodborne illnesses every year, appears to target the same cells that MS attacks. It raises the possibility that this bacteria could be involved in activating the disease according to experts.
  • Scientists at Harvard University have found that having high Vitamin D levels at early stages of MS tended to reduce disease activity & its progression. Other research suggests having healthy levels of vitamin D may lower the risk of getting MS, as well as, reduce the frequency & severity of symptoms. The Institute of Medicine recommends 600 IUs of Vitamin D daily for adults up to age 70 & 800 IUs for ages 71 and up.

OMNI 4® is America's Best Liquid Vitamin!

Omnitrition® uses a specially patented micellization process that enables vitamins and minerals to become water-soluble so your body absorbs what it needs and flushes the rest. Therefore, your body cannot store toxic amounts. Omni 4®, also, contains Coenzyme Q10, which might aid in the maintenance of a healthy immune system, may inhibit artery-clogging plaque buildup and potentially fatal blood clots, and is important in playing a part in releasing energy in food. Vitamins are beneficial to our bodies to help keep us healthy and provide us with healthy teeth and gums, healthy skin, hair, nails and more.

Omni4® contains 200 IU of Vitamin D!
OMNI 4® is America's Best Liquid Vitamin!

SHIELD® IS Omnitrition®'s Very Own Antioxidant!

Omnitrition's Shield® is a multivitamin, in capsule form, with a strong mineral base. It should be used in conjunction with Omni 4®. People who cannot take Omni 4®, should definitely be on this vitamin. Antioxidants may help protect the body from harmful free radicals & toxins, that cause damage to cells, thereby leading to such infections & various degenerative diseases. Everyone should take antioxidants!

Shield® contains 800 IU of Vitamin D3!  Do you have your Shield up?
SHIELD® IS Omnitrition®'s Very Own Antioxidant!

Nite Lite® is Omnitrition®'s Natural Sleep Aide!

Nite Lite® is an incredible multi-purpose product. The ingredients in it are formulated to allow your body to get to the metabolic rate(REM) it needs to be at during the night to repair, restore, & rejuvenate. Our bodies were meant to sleep at night. Most of us don't allow ourselves enough time to sleep. 80% of the population have sleep disorders. Lack of sleep is one of the quickest ways to age your body & set yourself up for diseases & illnesses.
Nite Lite® is Omnitrition®'s Natural Sleep Aide!

Thermo Herbal Tea® is Omnitrition®'s Amazing Thermogenic Fat Burner!

Omnitrition's Thermo Herbal Tea® is more than a weight loss product. We like to call it a "Health Tonic". It contains:
1. Green Tea, which provides a powerful antioxidant & may help protect cells from damage linked to illnesses.
2. Theobromine may aid in cognitive brain function, memory & well-being.
3. Synephrine may burn fat, may increase physical performance & may help to build lean muscle mass.
4. DHEA may decrease body fat & pain as it increases muscle tone, mobility, & life span. It may promote wellbeing.
Omnitrition's Thermo Herbal Tea® is more than a weight loss product. We like to call it a "Health Tonic".

OMNI SPORT® is Omnitrition®'s Choline Workout Drink!

Omni Sport® has a strong amino acid base that may aid in muscle recovery, stamina, & endurance while at the same time helping to build lean muscle mass. While Omni Sport® is primarily a "workout" product, it may, also, be beneficial for people who are healing from various injuries to both muscles & bones. Many injuries have been shown to heal in half the time!
OMNI SPORT® is Omnitrition®'s Choline Workout Drink!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Exercise for Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain is America's biggest health problem. This is defined as pain lasting more than 3 to 6 months. According to a 2011 report from the National Academy of Scineces' Institute of Medicine, it affects 100 million people in the U.S.

Many people are unaware of the growing number of non-narcotic treatments available, particularly exercise. There is no scientific evidence that activity & exercises are harmful according to James Rainville, a spine & rehabilitation specialist at New England Baptist Hospital in Boston. Exercise can help prevent chronic pain. In one 2011 Norwegian study in women 65 and older, the prevalence of chronic pain was 21% to 38% lower among exercisers.
OMNI SPORT® is Omnitrition®'s Choline Workout Drink!

OMNI SPORT® is Omnitrition®'s Choline Workout Drink!

Omni Sport® has a strong amino acid base that may aid in muscle recovery, stamina, & endurance while at the same time helping to build lean muscle mass. While Omni Sport® is primarily a "workout" product, it may, also, be beneficial for people who are healing from various injuries to both muscles & bones. Many injuries have been shown to heal in half the time!

Take 30 minutes before workout, yard work, house cleaning, or other physical activity. Want to stay young? Scientific research has shown that exercise can slow the physiological aging clock.
Omnitrition's Charge® Gives you Energy to Face the Day!

Omnitrition's Charge® Gives you Energy to Face the Day!

Who needs more energy?...almost anyone!

Full of B vitamins, Omnitrition's Charge® may be very helpful with: stress, fatigue, anxiety, energy, focus, & concentration.

If doing the Omni Weight Loss Drops® diet program, be sure to get Charge® in capsule form.
Nite Lite® is Omnitrition®'s Natural Sleep Aide.

Nite Lite® is Omnitrition®'s Natural Sleep Aide.

Nite Lite® is an incredible multi-purpose product. The ingredients in it are formulated to allow your body to get to the metabolic rate(REM) it needs to be at during the night to repair, restore, & rejuvenate. Our bodies were meant to sleep at night. Most of us don't allow ourselves enough time to sleep. 80% of the population have sleep disorders. Lack of sleep is one of the quickest ways to age your body & set yourself up for diseases & illnesses.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Eating White Processed Foods

Not eating "white food" applies to processed "white" foods like bread, pasta, and crackers.

Now, white foods like bananas and potatoes are natural foods packed with potassium & make for a great carb choice to eat early in the day or to "refuel" after a workout.

Additionally, there are a plenty of other white foods to fuel your metabolism and burn fat:

Vegetables like onions, cauliflower, garlic, turnips, parsnips, and mushrooms are all loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber while yielding next to zero calories. Fill your plate with these white gems!

White beans are high in protein, very low glycemic, and high in fiber.

Organic dairy products such as milk, cottage cheese, and other cheeses are all very high in protein while other dairy products such as yogurt and kefir offer probiotics as well.

Then there are seeds like pumpkin seeds and, even, white chia seeds that pack a super food punch rich in omega-3s, protein, antioxidants and fiber.
Omnitrition® has Easy to Use Great Tasting Products for Incredible Weight Loss!

Omnitrition® has Easy to Use Great Tasting Products for Incredible Weight Loss!

Including Omni Weight Loss Drops®!
Who wants to lose up to 1-2 pounds per day? Fast & Easy to Use! Get yours Today!

*The drops come with a low calorie clean eating program. The low calorie eating program will assist in weight loss, while the drops help suppress appetite and help in the resetting of the hypothalamus, which regulates the metabolism.
SHIELD® is Omnitrition®'s Very Own Antioxidant!

SHIELD® is Omnitrition®'s Very Own Antioxidant!

Omnitrition's Shield® is a multivitamin, in capsule form, with a strong mineral base. It should be used in conjunction with Omni 4®. People who cannot take Omni 4®, should definitely be on this vitamin. Antioxidants may help protect the body from harmful free radicals & toxins, that cause damage to cells, thereby leading to such infections & various degenerative diseases. Everyone should take antioxidants!
Let OMNITRIM EXTRA ENHANCER® help balance your blood sugar!

Let OMNITRIM EXTRA ENHANCER® help balance your blood sugar!

OmniTrim Extra Enhancer® combines the benefits of calcium, magnesium, potassium, gymnema sylvestre, & chromium in a fiber base to provide a balanced formula for good health. Extra Enhancer® may help support the effects of Omnitrition's weight loss products by balancing blood sugar levels.
Fiber N Mor® is Omnitrition®'s Fiber with Psyllium Husk!

Fiber N Mor® is Omnitrition®'s Fiber with Psyllium Husk!

Fiber N Mor® is designed to help you maintain a healthy digestive tract. According to Dr. Mark Hyman, "The health of your gut determines what nutrients are absorbed and what toxins, allergens, and microbes are kept out. It is directly linked to the health of your whole body."

Sunday, March 2, 2014

What is Peripheral Artery Disease?

PAD is a common, but serious, condition where calcium deposits or plaque build up on the walls of arteries in legs, heart, & brain. If left untreated, it can result in increased leg pain, wounds that take months to heal, amputations & death. In the U.S., there are 65,000 amputations done yearly. 82% of these are due to PAD. Peripheral artery disease affects more than 12 million Americans & only 25% are diagnosed.

Did you know?

  • If you smoke, you have an increased risk of getting PAD.
  • If you have diabetes, you have an increased risk of PAD.
  • If you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, you have an increased risk of PAD.
  • If you have a history of heart disease or stroke, you have an increased risk of PAD.
  • Wounds left untreated in patients with peripheral artery disease can lead to amputations.
  • PAD, if left untreated, has a 5-year mortality rate comparable to cancer.
With early detection, complications with this disease can be prevented.

Prevention by modifying risk factors.

  • Stop smoking.
  • Maintain a healthy blood pressure.
  • Maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
  • Follow a healthy diet & exercise plan. Daily exercise is like taking your daily medication that you should not miss.

Omni Smart® is Omnitrition®'s Oral Chelator For a Healthier Heart & Cardiovascular System!

Omnitrition's Smart® is an advanced doctor-designed formulation which combines EDTA with important minerals and natural ingredients (like garlic extract) known to support optimum heart and blood vessel function.

Chelation reduces calcium plaques on arterial walls. These atherosclerotic plaques are not limited to arteries nearest the heart. On the contrary they are widespread and can affect blood flow (oxygen delivery) to every cell tissue gland organ and system being served by the over 75000 miles of blood vessels in your body.

Chelation reaches every blood vessel in the body from the largest artery to the tiniest capillary and arteriole most of which are far too small or too deep within the brain or other organ to be safely reached in surgery.
Omni Smart® is Omnitrition®'s Oral Chelator For a Healthier Heart & Cardiovascular System!

OMNITRIM CHITO® is Omnitrition®'s Own Unique Fat Blocker! Blocks many of the fat calories you eat.

OmniTrim Chito, Omnitrition's fat blocker, helps to block calories from fat! Let OmniTrim Chito®, an all natural supplement derived from the outer shells of shrimp, crabs & other shellfish, take some of the fat out of your diet. Chito® has the unique ability to attach itself to the lipids or fats in your stomach before they are digested. Chito® surrounds some of the dietary fat and prevents its absorption in the digestive tract.
OMNITRIM CHITO® is Omnitrition®'s Own Unique Fat Blocker! Blocks many of the fat calories you eat.

Let OMNITRIM EXTRA ENHANCER® help balance your blood sugar!

OmniTrim Extra Enhancer® combines the benefits of calcium, magnesium, potassium, gymnema sylvestre, & chromium in a fiber base to provide a balanced formula for good health. Extra Enhancer® may help support the effects of Omnitrition's weight loss products by balancing blood sugar levels.
Let OMNITRIM EXTRA ENHANCER® help balance your blood sugar!

Omnitrition® has Easy to Use Great Tasting Products for Incredible Weight Loss!

Check it out! Several choices...find something that suits you!

Including fast & easy Omni Weight Loss Drops®! Who wants to lose up to 1-2 pounds per day? Get yours today!
Omnitrition® has Easy to Use Great Tasting Products for Incredible Weight Loss!