Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tips for Muscle Cramps

Did you ever wake up with a "Charlie Horse" in your calf muscle?  What can you do?
According to, muscle cramps are defined as sudden and involuntary contractions of one or multiple muscles in your body. Muscle cramps can occur during the day or awaken you from sleep. They are usually harmless, with physical exertion, hot weather and certain medical conditions -- such as nerve compression, hormone disorders and anemia -- being possible causes. Muscle cramps can be treated at home & usually go away quickly. Certain vitamins might help reduce the occurrence or recurrence of muscle cramps.
The vitamin B complex is eight different B vitamins -- including B1, B2, B6, B12, biotin, folic acid, niacin and pantothenic acid. The B vitamins help metabolize food into energy that can be used by your body during physical exertion, as well as when you are performing daily tasks. The vitamin B complex also is important in creating red blood cells and transporting oxygen through your body. Oxygen is essential to keeping your muscles healthy and in preventing muscle fatigue. A vitamin B deficiency can lead to muscle cramping. Vitamin B can be supplemented or received through food sources -- such as whole grains, seafood, dairy, chicken, meat, eggs and leafy, green vegetables.

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Full of B vitamins, Omnitrition's Charge® is very helpful with: stress, fatigue, anxiety, energy, focus, & concentration. B vitamins are also natural anti-inflammatories, so they are helpful for people who suffer from many kinds of muscle or joint aches & pains. In addition, Omnitrition's Charge® has Phenylalanine, a natural pain killer.
Omnitrition's Charge is full of B vitamins!
1. Vitamin C
Extreme physical exertion, including heavy physical labor or an intense workout, can lead to an increase in free radical production, according to "The Vitamin Book." Free radicals attach to muscles and cause damage and weakness. The antioxidant properties of vitamin C can help protect your muscles from damage, leaving them strong and healthy. Without vitamin C, you might experience muscle cramps, tension, aches or injury in the days following intense physical labor. Vitamin C can be supplemented. You can also find vitamin C in a large number of food sources -- including strawberries, other berries, cantaloupe, oranges, tomatoes and potatoes.

2. Vitamin E
Like vitamin C, vitamin E also contains antioxidant properties that can help rebuild muscles and reduce cramping and soreness. By preventing free radical damage, vitamin E can help keep your muscles strong after intense physical exertion. Vitamin E also contains anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce muscle inflammation and repair muscle fibers that become damaged. Vitamin E can be found in wheat germ, nuts, seeds, canola oil, egg yolk, wheat, oats and green, leafy vegetables.

3. Vitamin A
Vitamin A contains antioxidant properties, according to "The Vitamin Book." These properties are important for the health of your bones, muscles, skin, eyes and joints. Vitamin A helps ensure proper growth and development of muscles. Vitamin A also has anti-inflammatory properties to help reduce inflammation that can lead to muscle cramping. Anti-inflammatory properties can also help rebuild damaged muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bones. Vitamin A can be taken as a supplement or found in liver, cantaloupe, carrots, kale, collard greens and fortified milk.

OMNI 4® is America's Best Liquid Vitamin!

Omni 4® contains:
Vitamin A 5000 IU
Vitamin C 122mg
Vitamin D 200 IU
Vitamin E 30 IU
Thiamine 1.5mg
Riboflavin 1.7mg
Niacin 20mg
Vitamin B-6 2mg

Vitamin B-12 6mcg
Biotin 150mcg
Pantothenic Acid 10mg
Calcium 100mg
Magnesium 40mg
Zinc 15mg

Selenium 52.5mcg
Copper 0.5mg
Manganese 0.6mg
Chromium 50mcg
Potassium 250mg

Also, comes with glucosamine.  Glucosamine helps with muscle, tissues, tendons & joints.
Omni 4 contains many of the vitamins your body needs in liquid form.
1. Take 250mg vitamin E a day to prevent nocturnal leg cramps. Studies suggest that taking vitamin E improves blood flow through the arteries.
2. If you tend to get cramps during exercise, drink at least 2 cups of water before each workout. Then stop and drink 100ml to 250ml every 10 to 20 minutes during your exercise session. If you sweat a lot, consider a sports drink, such as Lucozade Sport or Gatorade, that replaces lost sodium and other electrolytes.
Cramps are often caused by dehydration, so if you get cramp frequently, drink more water. Try drinking less water before and during a workout. In some cases, drinking a lot of water prior to working out may actually cause more cramps. But do drink plenty of water throughout the day, just not right before exercising.
3. Restore potassium, magnesium and calcium concentration in your blood. For example, eat more bananas, peaches, cheese like cheddar, dried apricots, chocolates, cod liver, sea food, etc.
4. When you have finished exercising make sure you warm down by going for a jog and doing stretches. If you get cramps rest and stretch them out
5. Severe cramps can often be a symptom of an underlying condition such as thrombosis, embolisms. If your doctor has cleared you of the worry over these two, do check into a fibromyalgia diagnosis, as this is often difficult to diagnose. The "pressure point" test is one that is easy to administer by your doctor, and you can find out almost immediately if you're a likely FMS patient. In this case, some medications can alleviate your symptoms almost entirely. 

Let OmniTrim Extra Enhancer® help balance your blood sugar.

OmniTrim Extra Enhancer® combines the benefits of calcium, magnesium, potassium, gymnema sylvestre, & chromium to provide a balanced formula for good health.

Joanna Smith, Stuart, FL- Extra Enhancer® helps balance my sugar levels, which helps stop my food cravings & energy loss. It has also helped relieve my leg cramps!
OmniTrim Extra Enhancer has helped relieve leg cramps!

OMNI SPORT® is Omnitrition®'s Choline Workout Drink.

Omni Sport® has a strong amino acid base that aids in muscle recovery, stamina, & endurance while at the same time helping to build lean muscle mass. While Omni Sport® is primarily a "workout" product, it is, also, beneficial for people who are healing from various injuries to both muscles & bones. Most injuries have been shown to heal in half the time!

Along with Vitamins E & C, Omni Sport® contains Pantothenic Acid, Copper, Chromium, Magnesium, Zinc, Arginine, Choline, Taurine, Glycine, & Boron.
Omni Sport® aids in muscle recovery, stamina, & endurance.

Nite Lite® is Omnitrition®'s Natural Sleep Aide.

Nite Lite® is an incredible multi-purpose product. The ingredients in it are formulated to allow your body to get to the metabolic rate(REM) it needs to be at during the night to repair, restore, & rejuvenate. Our bodies were meant to sleep at night. Most of us don't allow ourselves enough time to sleep. Lack of sleep is one of the quickest ways to age your body & set yourself up for diseases & illnesses. When you drink the Nite Lite® 3 hours after your last meal, just before bed, you will not only enjoy the fat burning, muscle building effects, but you are also getting the anti-carcinogenic & anti-tumorigenic benefits that Nite Lite® has to offer while enjoying the best night sleep that you have ever had. Sleep deprivation is the#1 medical problem in the U.S. today. Nite Lite® is excellent for people who suffer mild to severe sleep disorders, as well as, people who suffer any type of muscle aches or pains.
Nite Lite, Omnitrition's sleep aide, helps people who suffer any type of muscle aches or pains.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for providing such important information because I am a medical professional and love to read such informative blogs to use it in my knowledge and provide that knowledge to others as well but I suggest all the patients once must consult Physiotherapy North Ryde to have the best suggestion and remedies for pains and inflammation.
