Saturday, June 2, 2012

12 Foods That Can Help Lower Cholesterol Naturally

What is too high when it comes to cholesterol? A healthy total cholesterol is under 200. LDL cholesterol should be under 100. & ideal HDL is above 60. Best triglyceride levels are below 150 mg/dL.

Because people with high cholesterol are at a greater risk of heart disease, it is important to take steps to keep levels in the healthy range. When cholesterol levels are high, some people choose cholesterol-lowering mediations or supplements. Others make lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, exercising & eating a healthy diet.

Here are some heart-healthy foods that are particularly worth eating:
When it comes to heart health, oatmeal is great. But other grains, like barley, are also healthy picks. Both are packed with fiber, which helps keep you full for longer so you reach for the chips less.

But fiber does more than just keep you slim. Soluble fiber, the kind that the body can digest, seems to reduce the amount of cholesterol the body absorbs from the intestines, lowering total cholesterol and LDL or "bad" cholesterol in the process.
1. Oats And Barley
The right seafood can lower cholesterol for a couple of reasons. First, eating more fish might mean that you're replacing meat in your diet, and meat contains more LDL-boosting saturated fats.

Second, fish like salmon, sardines & albacore tuna are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have shown to lower triglycerides.
2. Fish
Toss them in salads, sprinkle them on oatmeal or snack on them by the handful. Just about any variety of nut can lower total cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride levels, according to a 2010 analysis of data from 25 studies on nut consumption.
3. Nuts
Swapping the saturated fats found in butter for the unsaturated ones in oils is a good for both your waistline & your heart. Doing so can help reduce total cholesterol, but using olive oil in particular may also increase HDL, or "good" cholesterol.
4. Olive Oil
A medium-sized apple contains about 4 grams of LDL-lowering soluble fiber, or about 17 % of your recommended daily intake. An apple a day can help keep the heart doctor away!
5. Apples
Strawberries are rich in pectin, a type of soluble fiber that can lower LDL. One study found that supplementing a heart-healthy diet with strawberries had similar results to adding oats to a heart-healthy diet.

I like strawberries with my oatmeal.
6. Strawberries
You'll also find pectin in oranges, grapefruits & other citrus fruits. And adding more fiber to your diet can lower blood pressure & reduce inflammation, both of which help your heart.
7. Citrus Fruits
Kidney, navy, garbanzos & other beans and lentils are all great sources of soluble fiber, which helps keep you full & can reduce cholesterol.

A 2008 study from Arizona State University found that people who ate a half-cup of beans a day over a 24-week period lowered their cholesterol by 8%.

If you eat around 2,000 to 2,500 calories a day, aim for 1 1/2cup to 2 cups of beans a week.
8. Beans And Lentils
Like with fish, if you're eating soy, chances are you're eating less meat, which is higher in saturated fat & cholesterol. Soy is unique in the fact that it's a great source of protein, and yet it's free of any animal products, so it's also cholesterol free. However, it's not the cholesterol-busting superpower it was once touted to be. A 2010 study found that eating soy can result in only 8 to 10 % decrease in total cholesterol.
9. Soy
A little alcohol, in moderation, is good for you. Part of the reason why? A 2000 study established that occasional drinking of alcohol can raise HDL, or "good" cholesterol.

Red wine may be particularly beneficial, since it's rich in antioxidants, which may lower LDL levels.
10. Red Wine
Like olive oil, avocados are rich in cholesterol-lowering unsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats, the ones found in the creamy green fruit, may lower LDL & raise HDL, but only if you are replacing unhealthier dietary fats with these heart-healthy ones.
11. Avocados
The miracle drink has been linked to everything from fighting cancer to keeping the mind sharp, but few studies have truly explained why green tea is such a powerful health elixir & just how much of it you'd need to drink to see results.
While it does appear to lower "bad" cholesterol, it's only a slight reduction.
12. Green Tea

Here are the nutritional supplements from Omnitrition® that I take to help with my cholesterol:

Omni4 is America's best liquid vitamin! Also, has CO Q10! Most diseases & illnesses can be attributed to lack of proper nutrition. Taking Omni 4® every day will ensure you are giving your body what it needs.

Omni4® contains Co-Enzyme Q10, "The Spark of Life", an anti-aging nutrient, helps with renal failure, congestive heart failure, hypertension, neurological & neuro-degenerative diseases, diabetes & cancer. Studies have shown breast cancer to be linked to a decrease in plasma Co-Q10 levels. 

Coenzyme Q10, which aids in the maintenance of a healthy immune system, may inhibit artery-clogging plaque buildup and potentially fatal blood clots, and is important in playing a part in releasing energy in food. Vitamins are beneficial to our bodies to keep us healthy and provide us with healthy teeth and gums, healthy skin, hair, nails and more.
Omni Smart is great for your heart!

Omni Smart® is Omnitrition®'s Oral Chelator.  Chelation reduces calcium plaques on arterial walls.

Omni Smart®, also known as "liquid drano" for your heart, has minerals & natural ingredients that support heart & blood vessel function. Good for anyone with a heart! Heart attack & stroke are the leading causes of death for people over the age of 50. People who have a family history of heart disease would especially benefit from this product using it preventatively. Helps to lower cholesterol & blood pressure.
OmniTrim Chito blocks fat calories & lowers cholesterol! OmniTrim Chito® is Omnitrition®'s Unique Fat Blocker that blocks many of the fat calories you eat.
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Raises HDL(good cholesterol)
Phytonutrients from Omnitrition are stress busting & help decrease cholesterol. PhytoNutrients® is Omnitrition's® Stress Buster!

Phytonutrients are nutrients derived from plants that have been shown to be necessary for sustaining life. Also called phytochemicals, phytonutrients are natural bioactive compounds found in fruits & vegetables that work together with vitamins, minerals, & fiber to promote good health. These phytochemicals have been found to have properties to aid in disease prevention. 4 of the leading causes of death in the Western countries include: cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, & hypertension. Phytochemicals are associated with the prevention &/or treatment of these diseases. They are involved in preventing cell damage, preventing cancer cell replication, & decreasing cholesterol.

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