Thursday, June 28, 2012

10 Things to Know About Belly Fat

1. Belly Fat is Worse Than Other Fat
It's true. Belly fat is the worst kind of fat. Deep belly fat (the kind that makes for a classic beer belly) actually puts out proteins & hormones that make all kinds of bad things worse, including LDL (bad) cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, and triglycerides. It's, also, a player in insulin resistance & red-alert-causing inflammation.
2. Dropping Belly Fat Isn't Just a Calorie Game
The type of food you eat affects whether belly fat stays or goes. In one study, two groups of people ate the same number of calories. One group got their carbs from refined grains, the other from beans & whole grains. The latter group lost more belly fat. You can do this by replacing 2 servings a day of refined grains such as, white bread & white pasta with a couple servings of satisfying lentils, chickpeas, or kidney beans.
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3. Some Condiments Can Make Belly Fat Disappear
In one study in which obese people consumed either 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or a placebo each day.  The apple cider vinegar group dropped more body & belly fat than those who took the placebo, even though everyone was on the same diet & did the same workout. Just don't take it straight.
4. Sitting Promotes Belly Fat
Belly fat prefers when you sit.  So if you want to make the fluff around your waist vanish, it's time to get up & move. Only 3 hours a week of aerobic exercise such as, walking, jogging, cycling & elliptical training can bust belly fat. You just need to do it at a fast pace.
With Omni Weight Loss Drops® you don't need to exercise!  It works without exercise!  And you can lose weight fast & easy! Lose weight fast & easy with Omni Weight Loss Drops!
5. A 1,000 Crunches Won't Do the Trick
Crunches can firm up the muscles under your fat & keep your core strong, which is important for many reasons. But they won't make your fat magically disappear.  For fat burning, you need regular aerobic exercise, such as walking.
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Gayle Sibat, Winter Springs, FL- Omni Sport® helps me get more out of my workout at the gym, especially after a long day at work.
Omnitrition's Charge gives me energy to face the day!
6. Green Tea Has a Belly-Busting Effect
Exercisers who drink green tea all day lose more belly fat than exercisers who don't. It could be that catechins, a compound in green tea, may boost your body's calorie- and fat-burning mechanisms.
Thermo Herbal Tea®, Omnitrition®'s unique fat burner, is formulated to help with weight loss by burning stored body fat & increasing lean muscle mass at the same time. It combines green & black tea for a great taste! Drink it before your Omnifit Vanilla Shake® & you get "shake and bake", burning even more calories. Omnitrition's special fat burning drink is Thermo Herbal Tea!
7. TV Remotes Have a "Bye-Bye Belly Fat" Button
Keep belly fat away by pushing the "off" button on your TV remote. People who cut their TV time in half consume 100 less calories per day without even trying. That's a pound every 35 days without trying!
8. You Really Can Blame It on Stress
The higher your stress, the bigger your waist. Stress makes the hormone cortisol climb, which makes you crave high-calorie snacks that get stored in your belly as fat. Learn to tame your response to stress. I take Omnitrition's Charge® & Phytonutrients® to help with stress.
What are PhytoNutrients?
Phytonutrients are nutrients derived from plants that have been shown to be necessary for sustaining life. Also called phytochemicals, phytonutrients are natural bioactive compounds found in fruits & vegetables that work together with vitamins, minerals, & fiber to promote good health. These phytochemicals have been found to have properties to aid in disease prevention. 4 of the leading causes of death in the Western countries include: cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, & hypertension.

Julie Guenther, Buckley, WA- I never go without them. They help keep the stresses of daily life manageable. Get your Phytonutrients® today!
Phytonutrients are Omnitrition's Stress Buster!
9. Flat-Belly Success is Measured in Inches, Not Just Pounds
You can lose in inches, not just weight.  Just like Dr. Simeon's Pounds & Inches diet, I did the Omni Weight Loss Drops® diet & lost about 16 inches & 35 pounds in 6 weeks.
10. You Can Eat More and Still Shrink Your Belly
Studies have shown that people who eat six small meals a day have smaller waists than people who eat two or three large meals a day. Of course, "small" is the key. Here's how to do it right: To stop belly fat for good, avoid sugar, syrups, and saturated trans fats. Instead, eat more whole grains, lean proteins & fiber. Do exercise and practice stress control. Your waist's loss is your life's gain.  Omni Weight Loss Drops® burns stored fat, too!

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