Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Getting Calcium-Rich Foods in Your Diet

Borrowed from Angeline Oppenheimer
Calcium is an essential mineral for boosting bone health & staving off osteoporosis. A recent report from Harvard Health News showed that calcium lowers the risk of colon cancer. Other health authorities recommend calcium for regulating blood pressure, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, as well as, weight control. Getting plenty of calcium may prevent insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes. It is essential that the body has enough calcium to maintain proper functioning. Harvard doctors suggest at least 600 to 1,000 mg of calcium per day. Although supplements can easily deliver that dosage, incorporating foods high in calcium is the most natural & effective way.

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Omni Smart® is Omnitrition®'s Oral Chelator. For a Healthier Heart & Cardiovascular System!

Let OMNITRIM EXTRA ENHANCER® help balance your blood sugar!

OmniTrim Extra Enhancer® may help stabilize blood sugar levels & "turbos" the thermogenic products, the Thermo Herbal Tea® & Thermo Java® helping them work more effectively. OmniTrim Extra Enhancer® helps leg cramps due to the minerals it contains: chromium, magnesium, potassium, & calcium. It, also, may help to reduce, or stop altogether, sugar cravings, & converts sugars to energy instead of fat. It may reduce the risk of glucose intolerance. Great for people with diabetes or hypoglycemia!
Let OMNITRIM EXTRA ENHANCER® help balance your blood sugar!

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Thermo Herbal Tea® is Omnitrition's "health tonic"!

What foods have calcium?

1. Milk & Dairy
A cup of milk has 300 mg of calcium. However, milk, also, contains protein, riboflavin, vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus & other nutrients. When buying, look for milk fortified with Vitamin D, which facilitates the absorption of calcium. Products made from milk can offer many benefits, too. A cup of yogurt has as much calcium as a cup of milk, and cheeses contain concentrated forms of calcium. One oz. of Swiss cheese has nearly as much calcium as a cup of milk. But cheese can be loaded with saturated fats, so choose low-fat & soft cheeses.

2. Fish
Some fish, like sardines & anchovies, are loaded with calcium. 3 oz. of sardines contain more than 300 mg of calcium. Fatty fish like salmon, herring and mackerel offer a selection of bone-boosting minerals such as calcium, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.

3. Green, Leafy Vegetables
Bok Choy has surpassed spinach & broccoli in calcium. Half a cup of Bok Choy has the same amount of calcium as one cup of milk. Arugula & turnip greens are good sources of calcium, too.

4. Soy Products
Soy, part of the legume family contains significant amounts of calcium that are easily absorbable. A recent large-scale study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine revealed that modest soy consumption resulted in significant decrease in bone fractures in post-menopausal women. Soy also contains isoflavones, a plant-based chemical that can strengthen bone density, as well. Other calcium-rich legumes include winged beans, pinto beans, navy beans, as well as, baked beans.

5. Nuts and Seeds
Nuts & seeds not only promote heart health with high levels of polyunsaturated fats, but they can, also, bolster bone health. Almonds, pistachios & sunflower seeds contain high levels of calcium. Walnuts & flaxseeds are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, while the potassium found in peanuts & almonds can protect against loss of calcium. As a whole, nuts provide protein & nutrients that help support building strong bones.

6. Fortified Foods
Many cereals are packed with calcium. Have it with fortified milk & a glass of orange juice, and you'll give your body a great start to the day. Fortified foods are a good way to fill the calcium gaps in your diet.

OMNI 4® is America's Best Liquid Vitamin!

This orange, papaya-flavored drink is a good foundation for all ages, 0 to 100 & older!
1. Helps put balance in your body by helping to get rid of toxins that build up in your system.
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3. Most diseases & illnesses may be attributed to lack of proper nutrition. Taking Omni 4® every day will ensure you are giving your body what it needs.
4. Comes with(& without)Glucosamine, which may help with muscle, tissues, tendons & joints. May promote new tissue growth & may delay the progression of osteoarthritis.
6. Co-Enzyme Q10, "The Spark of Life", an anti-aging nutrient, may help with renal failure, congestive heart failure, hypertension, neurological & neuro-degenerative diseases, diabetes & cancer. Studies have shown breast cancer to be linked to a decrease in plasma Co-Q10 levels. Everyone should be on Omni4 ®!
OMNI 4® is America's Best Liquid Vitamin!
Remember to spread your calcium intake over the day, because the body can only absorb 500 to 600 mg at a time. And Vitamin D facilitates the absorption of calcium, so get some sunshine, too!

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