Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sleepless in America

Americans are chronically ill with sleep disorders. Sales of prescription sleep aides has jumped 60% since 2000.
The average American is functioning with 90 minutes less sleep than is needed for healthy living. Lack of sleep not only makes you cranky, it shortens your life span. Research scientists in the UK found the risk of heart disease can increase as much as 48% & the risk of stroke by 15% when a person doesn't get at least 6 hours of sleep a night. The researchers, also, found that chronic sleep shortages produce hormones & chemicals in the body that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Angela Eberly:
Ok all I have a question about nite lite. I rarely take any kind of medication unless absolutely necessary so a lot of things hit my body pretty hard. Will nite lite make me so sleepy I won't wake up? I'm a single mom of two one of which is only 18 months so there are times I have to wake up in the middle of the night. I just want to still be alert enough to respond to an emergency.

Heidi Whitehair:
I started taking Nitelite when my kids were 16 months, 4 and 11. My husband is a Firefighter gone at night so it was me that needed to get up with the kids whenever they needed me! Nitelite is not a drugged sleep, it is a natural restful sleep that you can easily wake up from and slip right back into that nice sound sleep and wake up feeling like 5 hours is 8! If you have to wake up, you are alert and not irritated about being woke up.

Bonny Wallace Ewert:
Yes, I just started taking it too. It help me fall asleep and stay asleep, but I am not feeling like I am in a coma. I can wake up easily & not feel groggy even on just a few hours. I LOVE Nite lite!

'Tracy Draeger 'Saeman:'
It works so well, Angela! You will go to sleep fast, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed - without the medicine hangover you get from regular sleep aids. It's the best! My insomnia since I was 13 - CURED!!! Magic in a bottle!
Yes it is worth buying! Not only does it decrease body fat it also restores muscle mass, counteracts Osteoporosis, promotes a deep, relaxed sleep, Thickens skin--reduces wrinkles, restores thinning hair & hair color, increases energy, restores vital organ size, improves vision/memory, elevates mood, helps menstrual cycle regulation & effects of menopause, normalizes blood pressure, increases sexual function, increases cardiac output and stamina, improves immune defense mechanism, assists in healing of wounds/fractures, and inhibits and reverses human biological aging. Nite Lite stimulates the body's own natural production of Human Growth Hormone (H.G.H.) we age our production of H.G.H. decreases! I won't miss a night! And it helps to tighten/firm your skin AS you are LOSING!!! :)
Nite Lite® is AMAZING!
5 or 6 hours sleep feels like 8.
Burns more stored body fat in your first 90 minutes of sleep/all day.
Muscle and tissue repair and rejuvenation.
Collagen for skin tightening and firming.
... ... Restores muscle mass/decreases body fat.
Thickens skin/reduces wrinkles.
Helps to normalize blood pressure.
Increase cardiac output and stamina.
Improves vision and memory.
Assists in wound healing and fractures.
inhibits and reverses human biological aging.
Stops snoring.
Assists in getting people off the CPAP machine and sleeping aids.
Aids in stopping restless leg syndrome and insomnia.


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