Wednesday, November 9, 2011

5 Steps to Reversing Diabetes

A staggering 350 million people around the world have diabetes with the U.S. being among the worst! That means more heart attacks, more strokes, & a shorter life expectancy. The advice is simple, but sometimes hard to follow. Eat right & exercise more. What do the experts suggest?
1. Have a salad

When you are eating high-carb foods, make sure you eat a salad. Also, best to have dressing with vinegar in it. Consuming 1 1/2 tablespoons of vinegar can lower your blood sugar by as much as 42%.
There are many different kinds of vinegar including: apple cider, distilled white, white & red wine, rice, balsamic, sherry, malt, cane, & coconut. Each comes in different amounts of carbs or sugars. When following the Omni Drops® diet, one must adhere to the correct kinds allowed. Otherwise, you might gain weight or your weight loss might not set properly. Apple cider is one of the best for this diet plan. Must check bottle labels for amount of grams of sugar. You want the lowest amount. Any vinegar made from grapes, such as white & red wine vinegars, are not allowed. Also, rice & balsamic vinegars have too many sugars as well. Using Omni Drops® is a fast easy way to lose weight.
2. Cook your pasta right

Saute your pasta in extra-virgin olive oil, and throw in some vegetables while you are at it. This method will help keep your blood sugar steady.
3. Get up & move

Too much sitting makes your blood sugar rise. Try to move at least 30 to 45 minutes a day.
Let OmniTrim Extra Enhancer®
help balance your sugars.
4. Getting enough sleep

If you don't get at least 7 or 8 hours of sleep a night, your risk of developing diabetes, or making it worse(if you already have it), rises by 37 to 88%. Keep your bedroom as dark as possible to sleep longer & better.
Omnitrition's Nite Lite® helps me get my best night's sleep.
5. Exchange nuts for potatoes

Potatoes make your blood sugar rise & over the years will most likely make you gain weight. Nuts, though may be high in fat, will help you lose pounds. Just eat a handful of nuts instead of chips or fries. Almonds, pistachios, & peanuts have been shown to keep blood sugar even.
Phaso Trim® is Omnitrition's natural carb blocker.  It blocks many of the calories from eating carbohydrates.

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