Sunday, January 13, 2013

Do You Know Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease?

Borrowed from the Mayo Clinic staff:
1.  Increasing forgetfulness and mild confusion. Over time, the disease has a growing impact on your memory, your ability to speak & write coherently, as well as your judgment & problem solving. If you have Alzheimer's, you may be the first to notice that you're having unusual difficulty remembering things & organizing your thoughts. Or you may not recognize that anything is wrong, even when changes are noticeable to your family members, close friends or co-workers.

Brain changes associated with Alzheimer's disease lead to growing trouble with:


Everyone has occasional memory lapses. It's normal to lose track of where you put your keys or forget the name of an acquaintance. But the memory loss associated with Alzheimer's disease persists and gets worse. People with Alzheimer's may:
  • Repeat statements and questions over and over
  • Forget conversations, appointments or events, and not remember them later
  • Routinely misplace possessions, often putting them in illogical locations
  • Eventually forget the names of family members and everyday objects
Omnitrition's Remind® is Complete Brain Nutrition You Won't Soon Forget!

Omnitrition's Remind® is Complete Brain Nutrition You Won't Soon Forget!

Omnitrition's Remind® is formulated to provide a healthy amount of Choline to support optimal memory. Choline and the rest of Remind's® ingredients, including vitamins & minerals, is what the brain uses to make the primary neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is involved with verbal function, the ability to write, read & verbal memory. A good example of what happens when the cholinergic system in the brain fails is what you see in Alzheimer's disease. It, also, has pyroglutamic acid to support memory & communication between both lobes of the brain and DMAE, which helps maintain mental focus & clarity of thought.
Omnitrition's Thermo Herbal Tea® is a "Health Tonic" that helps with many problems including Alzheimer's disease.

Omnitrition's Thermo Herbal Tea® is a "Health Tonic".  It contains:

1. Green Tea, which provides a powerful antioxidant & helps protect cells from damage linked to cancer, heart disease & other illnesses.
2. Theobromine aides in cognitive brain function, memory & well-being.
3. DHEA is anti-aging! It decreases body fat & pain as it increases muscle tone, mobility, & life span. It promotes well-being, health & longevity, enhances the activity of the immune system, reduces heart disease, improves sleep & helps to prevent cancer, arterial disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease & helps treat Lupus.
4. Tyrosine is a mood elevator, suppresses appetite, reduces body fat, aids in the function of the adrenal, thyroid & pituitary glands. It, also, helps with stress reduction, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, allergies & headaches.

Disorientation & misinterpreting spatial relationships

People with Alzheimer's disease may lose their sense of what day it is, the time of year, where they are or even their current life circumstances. Alzheimer's may also disrupt your brain's ability to interpret what you see, making it difficult to understand your surroundings. Eventually, these problems may lead to getting lost in familiar places.

Speaking & writing

Those with Alzheimer's may have trouble finding the right words to identify objects, express thoughts or take part in conversations. Over time, the ability to read & write also declines.

Thinking & reasoning

Alzheimer's disease causes difficulty concentrating & thinking, especially about abstract concepts like numbers. Many people find it challenging to manage their finances, balance their checkbooks, and keep track of bills & pay them on time. These difficulties may progress to inability to recognize & deal with numbers.

Making judgments & decisions

Responding effectively to everyday problems, such as food burning on the stove or unexpected driving situations, becomes increasingly challenging.

Planning & performing familiar tasks

Once-routine activities that require sequential steps, such as planning & cooking a meal or playing a favorite game, become a struggle as the disease progresses. Eventually, people with advanced Alzheimer's may forget how to perform basic tasks such as dressing & bathing.

Changes in personality & behavior

Brain changes that occur in Alzheimer's disease can affect the way you act and how you feel. People with Alzheimer's may experience:
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Social withdrawal
  • Mood swings
  • Distrust in others
  • Increased stubbornness
  • Irritability and aggressiveness
  • Changes in sleeping habits
  • Wandering

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