Thursday, July 12, 2012

6 Mood-Elevating Superfoods

6 Mood-Elevating Superfoods

Posted On 2012-07-12 , 7:09 PM

Food is the number 1 source of chemical building blocks that regulate your emotions & increase well-being. Add these 6 foods to your diet to help uplift your mood:
1. Dark Chocolate
Chocolate, especially dark, is thought to increase your brain's serotonin levels. Chocolate may even increase mental alertness. Dark chocolate consists of at least 60% cocoa. It is suggested you have 1 ounce of dark chocolate per day.
Omnitrition's Nite Lite contains melatonin! Nite Lite contains melatonin. Melatonin is a powerful and versatile antioxidant produced within the body. Melatonin protects both lipids and proteins against damage.

Nite Lite® benefits include:
  • Proven & Documented Benefits of H.G.H
  • Restores muscle mass. Decreases body Fat.
  • Helps counteract Osteoporosis by Increasing Bone Density.
  • Thickens Skin; Reduces Wrinkles.
  • Increases Energy.
  • Restores Vital Organ size(Your liver & heart shrink with age.)
  • Improves Vision & Memory.
  • *Elevates Mood.
  • Normalizes Blood Pressure.
  • Increases Sexual Function & Pleasure.
  • Helps menstrual cycle regulation & effects of Menopause.
  • Increases Cardiac Output & Stamina--Inhibits & Reverses human biological Aging.
2. Fish
Did you know that more than half of a human brain is made of fat? 2 types of fat appear to help your mood: the Omega-3 fats DHA & EPA. These kinds of fat are found in fish such as salmon & mackerel. Scientists have found that low levels of DHA & EPA are found in people with depression & thoughts of suicide. Suggest getting at least 2 servings of fish with omega-3 every week.
3. Red Meat
Red meat is a good source of iron, which the brain needs to make mood-regulating chemicals such as dopamine. People who are iron deficient may be 50% more likely to become depressed than those with higher levels. It is recommended to get meat from grass-fed cows, because of the omega-3 fats, & use lean, unprocessed meats. Try to get 2 servings of red meat each week, total of 8 to 12 ounces.
4. Spinach
Spinach is loaded with folate, a type of B vitamin that the brain uses to make mood-regulating chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine, & norepinephrine. Lentils & asparagus are packed with folate as well. 50% of people with depression are folate-deficient. Suggest getting 1 to 2 cups of spinach or other folate-rich food every day.
Omnitrition's Charge contains B vitamins including folate! Full of B vitamins, Omnitrition's Charge® is very helpful with: stress, fatigue, anxiety, energy, focus, & concentration.

Omnitrition's Charge® is "Energy & Good Attitude" in a bottle that gives you Positive Happy Feelings!

Charge® contains 100mcg folate, as well as, other B vitamins.
5. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are rich in carotenoids, antioxidants that help fight free radicals. Free radicals have been found to destroy mood-protecting fats in the brain. People with high blood levels of carotenoids have lower rates of memory loss & dementia. Suggest getting one(approx. 1 cup) serving of tomatoes each day. These can be fresh, in tomato-based sauces, low-sugar ketchup or salsa.
Phytonutrients contain carotenoids!

PhytoNutrients® are Omnitrition's® Stress Buster!

What are PhytoNutrients?
Phytonutrients are nutrients derived from plants that have been shown to be necessary for sustaining life.

Common Phytonutrients include:
  • *Carotenoids
  • Coumarins
  • Flavonoids
  • Indoles
  • Lignans
  • Isoflavones(including Genistein & Daidzen)
  • Organosulfurs
  • Phytosterols or Phytohormones

Some studies have shown that phytochemicals can: Act as antioxidants to neutralize "free radicals" that can cause cell damage.
Shield is Omnitrition's antioxidant! Helps fight free radicals that cause disease! Shield® is Omnitrition's® innovatively produced antioxidant. Omnitrition® uses the highest quality ingredients to make this multi-nutrient formula complete with specific vitamins & minerals.

Antioxidants are substances that may protect your cells against the effects of free radicals. Free radical damage may lead to cancer, heart disease, as well as, other diseases.
6. Whole Grains
Eating carbs promotes the release of insulin that stimulates serotonin production. Choose whole grains over processed varieties & avoid eating carbs with proteins together. Having carbs & proteins together can block the effects of serotonin. Suggest 2 cups of air-popped popcorn(without salt & butter) or other whole-grain foods.
Thermo Herbal Tea is an anti-aging health tonic! Omnitrition's Thermo Herbal Tea® is more than a weight loss product. We like to call it a "Health Tonic".
It contains:
1. Green Tea, which provides a powerful antioxidant & helps protect cells from damage linked to cancer, heart disease & other illnesses.
2. Theobromine aides in cognitive brain function, memory & well-being. It is, also, a natural diuretic.
3. Synephrine burns fat, increases physical performance & helps to build lean muscle mass.
4. DHEA is anti-aging! It decreases body fat & pain as it increases muscle tone, mobility, & life span. It promotes well-being, health & longevity, enhances the activity of the immune system, reduces heart disease, improves sleep & helps to prevent cancer, arterial disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease & helps treat Lupus.
5. Tyrosine is a mood elevator, suppresses appetite, reduces body fat, aids in the function of the adrenal, thyroid & pituitary glands. It, also, helps with stress reduction, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, allergies & headaches.

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