Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Amazing Asparagus!

The Amazing Asparagus!

Posted On 2012-04-22 , 8:55 AM

Asparagus is a springtime vegetable that is versatile & delicious. Since it is in season, buying it now is best for freshness & nutrition. Asparagus has many health benefits!
1. Great for your heart!
It has folate, which has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Omni Smart®, also known as "liquid drano" for your heart, has minerals & natural ingredients that support heart & blood vessel function. Good for anyone with a heart! Heart attack & stroke are the leading causes of death for people over the age of 50. People who have a family history of heart disease would especially benefit from this product using it preventatively. Helps to lower cholesterol & blood pressure. It, also, helps ease the pain of varicose veins, as well as actually making them visibly disappear over time. The garlic in it is a natural antibiotic, too, so it is helpful to take if you are suffering from any kind of infection. Omni Smart is great for your heart!
2.  Fights depression!
It puts you in a good mood.
Charge® helps with energy & elevating your mood! And Phytonutrients® are "euphoria in a bottle" helping with daily stress! Energy & good attitude in a bottle! Ephoria in a bottle!  Helps with everyday stress!
3.  Powerful aphrodisiac!
One of the best foods to increase libido.
4.  It is a superfood!
Helps get rid of warts & stimulates hair production reducing baldness.
5.  Lowers cholesterol!
6.  Stimulates milk production in nursing mothers.
7. Prevents birth defects!
Getting enough folate is particularly important for pregnant women. Having a deficiency in folate has been correlated with increased risk of Spina Bifida & anencephaly. Folate, also, helps to regulate embryonic & fetal nreve cell formation, which may help to prevent premature births.
8. Potent antioxidant!
Antioxidants are substances that may protect your cells against the effects of free radicals. Free radical damage may lead to cancer, heart disease, as well as, other diseases.
Omnitrition's Shield® is a multivitamin, in capsule form, with a strong mineral base. It should be used in conjunction with Omni 4®. People who cannot take Omni 4®, should definitely be on this vitamin. Antioxidants help protect the body from harmful free radicals & toxins, that cause damage to cells, thereby leading to such infections & various degenerative diseases like heart disease & cancer. Everyone should take antioxidants! They are, also, beneficial to people who suffer from allergies & chronic sinus infections. Omnitrition's own antioxidant formula!  Have you got your Shield up?
9. Antifungal & antiviral.
10. Great for your kidneys!
It is a natural diuretic that promotes the formation of urine in the kidneys. Therefore, aiding in detoxification & cleansing.
Omni Weight Loss Drops®, also, works as a detoxification process while you lose unwanted stored fat! Lose weight fast & easy with Omni Weight Loss Drops!
11. Acts as a detox!
Asparagus has 288mg of potassium per cup. Potassium is know for reducing belly flat! It, also, has 3g of fiber, which cleanses the digestive system. It has no natural sodium, no fat or cholesterol, & one cup is only 40 calories!
12. Prevents bladder & urinary tract infections!
As well as, treats bladder & UTI & kidney stones.
13.  Helps with treating HIV.
14. Helps prevent MS.
15.  Anti-cancer properties!
Folate, which asparagus is rich in, is now known to be an important protection against cancer. It is particularly beneficial for preventing lung cancer.
  • Includes highly beneficial effects of DHEA(Research indicates that DHEA has been shown to improve or stabilize signs and symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus.)
  • Anti-aging
  • Decreases body fat
  • Increases muscle tone
  • Increases bone density
  • Promotes well-being & decreases pain
  • Increases sexual function & pleasure
  • Enhances activity of the immune system
  • Improves memory
  • Helps increase life span
  • Improves quality of sleep
  • Helps prevent cancer, arterial disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and helps treat Lupus.

Omnitrition's health tonic!
Thermo Herbal Tea®
16.  Energizing & fights Chronic Fatigue Syndrome!
17. Lowers blood pressure naturally.
18. Top of the list of alkaline foods.
An acid body is a magnet for sickness, disease, cancer & aging. Eating more alkaline foods helps shift your body's pH & oxygenates your system. Alkaline foods keep your body healthy & functioning correctly, preventing cancer.
19. Anti-aging!
It is high in potassium, vitamin A, & folate. It is, also, high in glutathione, an amino acid compound with potent antioxidant properites, which is anti-aging. GSH is an antioxidant that protects cells from toxins like free radicals.
Omni 4® liquid vitamins, also, contains Co Q10, which is the "spark of life"!  Also, contains glucosamine, which aids as an anti-inflammatory. Everyone needs vitamins! Young & old! Gives you what your body needs!
20. Reduces pain & inflammation.
Folate helps reduce inflammation.
21.  Prevents osteoporosis & osteoarthritis.
Asparagus is rich in vitamin K, which studies have shown help prevent osteoporosis & osteoarthritis. Vitamin K helps in bone formation & repair. It is, also, needed for the synthesis of osteocalcin, which is the protein in bone tissue where calcium crystallizes.
22.  Prevents diabetes!
Studies have shown asparagus balances insulin levels.
OmniTrim Extra Enhancer® stabilizes blood sugar levels & enhances the thermogenic products, the Thermo Herbal Tea® & Thermo Java®. It, also, helps to reduce, or stop altogether, sugar cravings, & converts sugars to energy instead of fat. Extra Enhancers®, also, help to reduce cellulite. OmniTrim Extra Enhancer® contains chromium, which is an essential mineral. Chromium levels decline with age & most adults are deficient. Chromium helps to promote fat loss & lean muscle tension. It reduces the risk of glucose intolerance. Great for people with diabetes or hypoglycemia! Let Extra Enhancer balance your blood sugar!
23.  Contains inulin.
Inulin feeds friendly bacteria that live in the large intestine. Great for preventing yeast overgrowth & keeping your digestive system healthy.
Fiber N Mor® helps with various intestinal issues including, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease. Let Fiber N Mor brush your colon clean!
It can be chopped in salads, barbecued with mustard, sauteed on the grill, or lightly steamed.

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