A new study reveals that obesity can put people over the age of 60 at a greater risk for dementia. Here are some tips to help: |
- Six days a week take a walk for at least 45 minutes a day, Also, do strength-building exercises two or three days a week. It is particularly good for you if you're advanced in years and overweight.
- Loneliness is associated with everything from higher blood pressure and less happiness to weight gain. So get out, get involved, & socialize!
- Substitute saturated fats with healthy fats, such as salmon or monounsaturated olive oil. Losing weight is about healthy eating.
- Add this secret for weight control: walnuts & almonds. Starting a meal with 6 walnut halves or 12 almonds can help you shrink belly fat by 50%. The walnuts are good for your brain & heart, as well, so go nuts!
- Play mind stretching games, like Sudoku.
Omnitrition® has Easy to Use Great Tasting Products for Incredible Weight Loss! |  |
One of my favorite weight loss products from Omnitrition® is Thermo Herbal Tea®. It is called a "health tonic', because of how much it helps: - Includes highly beneficial effects of DHEA(Research indicates that DHEA has been shown to improve or stabilize signs and symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus.)
- Anti-aging
- Decreases body fat
- Increases muscle tone
- Increases bone density
- Promotes well-being & decreases pain
- Increases sexual function & pleasure
- Enhances activity of the immune system
- Improves memory
- Helps increase life span
- Improves quality of sleep
- Helps prevent cancer, arterial disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and helps treat Lupus.
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Omnitrition's Remind® is Complete Brain Nutrition You Won't Soon Forget!
Omnitrition's Remind®, or "Brain in a Bottle", helps with mental focus, concentration, & clarity of thought. The Choline in Remind® is a B vitamin that must be supplemented. We do not get enough of it in our daily diets. Choline helps with verbal memory & can reverse the early stages of memory loss & senility.
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Nite Lite® is an incredible multi-purpose product. The ingredients in it are formulated to allow your body to get to the metabolic rate(REM) it needs to be at during the night to repair, restore, & rejuvenate. Our bodies were meant to sleep at night. Most of us don't allow ourselves enough time to sleep. Lack of sleep is one of the quickest ways to age your body & set yourself up for diseases & illnesses.
Nite Lite® benefits include:
- Proven & Documented Benefits of H.G.H
- Restores muscle mass. Decreases body Fat.
- Helps counteract Osteoporosis by Increasing Bone Density.
- Thickens Skin; Reduces Wrinkles.
- Increases Energy.
- Restores Vital Organ size(Your liver & heart shrink with age.)
- Improves Vision & Memory.
- Elevates Mood.
- Normalizes Blood Pressure.
- Increases Sexual Function & Pleasure.
- Helps menstrual cycle regulation & effects of Menopause.
- Increases Cardiac Output & Stamina--Inhibits & Reverses human biological Aging.
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