Here are some tips suggested by the AHA: |
- Know the number of calories, for your gender & age, you can eat each day.
- Increase physical exercise.
- Be sure to drink plenty of water, especially when exercising.
- Beware of high-calorie holiday beverages: eggnog, hot chocolate, apple cider, & alcoholic cocktails.
- For appetizers eat: fresh fruit & vegetables, whole-grain crackers, & baked or grilled items. Avoid foods that are fried, buttered, or have a lot of cheese or cream.
- Choose white meat turkey or chicken. Avoid gravy. Be aware of casserole contents.
- Limit desserts. Share with someone or just have a bite or 2.
- When baking or cooking, try to substitute butter, sugar, cream & white flour, chocolate, candies, or alcohol ingredients for healthier choices.
- Bake, grill, or steam vegetables. Or eat them fresh.
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