Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Foods & Allergies

Here are some common cross-allergies:

If fall ragweed gives you the sniffles, apples, bananas, melons, cucumber, chamomile tea, echinacea, honey, & nuts may, too.  If you're allergic to bananas or latex, beware of eating avocado or melon.

What foods can actually help allergies?

According to Dr. Mehmet Oz, eating plenty of Vitamin B-rich foods, particularly those with lots of folate, may help control allergies. This is because Vitamin B-rich foods & folate improves the immune system to common allergies. Those with a high folate diet can see a 31% lower risk of allergy symptoms, like watery eyes, runny nose, & eczema and a 40% lower risk of wheezing. Be sure to get at least 700ug of folate. Even if no allergy problems, you want to get plenty of folate, which also helps heart disease & birth defects.

Top 10 Foods with Folate(Also, called Vitamin B-9):

1. Yeast Extract Spread
Also, called Marmite, has 1010ug per 100g serving.
2. Liver
Any kind of liver, but Turkey Liver has most with 691ug.
3. Dried Herbs
Dried Spearmint provides most with 530ug. Dried Rosemary has 307ug, then dried basil, chervil, coriander, marjoram, thyme, bay leaf & dried parsley.
4. Sunflower Seeds
Has 238ug folate.
5. Dry Roasted Soybeans
Also, called Edamame, has 205ug folate.
6. Dark Leafy Greens
Such as spinach, turnip greens & collards are high in Vitamin K, calcium, as well as folate making them one of the superfoods. Raw spinach & raw turnip greens provide 184ug folate.
7. Bean Sprouts
Has 172ug folate.
8. Beans (& other legumes including lentils)
Pinto & Garbanzo beans(also called Chickpeas) have 172ug; Mung beans provide 159ug followed by lima, black, yard long & navy.
9. Asparagus
Has 149ug folate.
10. Peanuts
Also a great source of zinc, protein, vitamin E, magnesium, & copper has 145ug folate per 100g serving.

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Since drinking Thermo Herbal Tea from Omnitrition, I no longer need medication for asthma & allergies.

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