Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sugar or Artificial Sweeteners?

With Halloween just around the corner, here is food for thought:

Borrowed from RealAge Tip
Sugar vs. Artificial Sweeteners: Which Is Healthier and Safer?
By Mehmet C. Oz, MD, and Michael F. Roizen, MD

There's sugars & syrups in all kinds of foods, from bagels to frozen veggie mixes. The effect of these added sugars? Imagine eating 22 teaspoons of sugar for breakfast every day. That's average for Americans. Research shows it lowers HDL (good) cholesterol & raises bad triglycerides. It, also, gloms onto proteins that create destructive substances called AGEs (advanced glycation end products). These set you up for heart disease, stiff joints, wrinkles, Alzheimer's, diabetes, kidney problems, bone fractures, & vision loss.

About sugar substitutes:

Sometimes they make you eat more, not less. Because no-cal sweeteners essentially don't register in your brain's satiety center, instead of satisfying a sweet craving they can send you hunting for more sugary snacks.
Recent Texas research has linked drinking diet soda to bigger waists, 70% bigger than in people who didn't have it.

There's, also, evidence that fake sugars & diet sodas won't help you lose weight, and increase your risk of metabolic syndrome, which precedes diabetes, heart disease, & much more.

See how Omnitrition® cuts your cravings:

OmniTrim Extra Enhancer® stabilizes blood sugar levels.  It, also, helps to reduce, or stop altogether, sugar cravings, & converts sugars to energy instead of fat.
  • Julie Guenthner, Buckley, WA- With Omnitrim Extra Enhancer® I no longer have cravings & want to snack all day!
  • Joanna Smith, Stuart, FL- Extra Enhancer® helps balance my sugar levels, which helps stop my food cravings & energy loss. It has also helped relieve my leg cramps!
Let OmniTrim Extra Enhancers balance your blood sugar & help stop sugar cravings!

Omnitrition's Charge® Gives you Energy to Face the Day!

  • "Energy & Good Attitude" in a bottle
  • Positive Happy Feelings
  • Mental Focus & Concentration
  • Natural Appetite Suppressant

Omnitrition's Charge has a natural appetite suppressant!
If you use reasonable amounts of sugar substitutes, that's better than 22 teaspoons of sugar a day.
If you drink regular soda, diet is a better choice. Every 12-ounce can of the regular soda has about 135 calories & 10 teaspoons of sugar (usually in the form of high fructose corn syrup). Have a can a day & that's 32 pounds of sugar, 49,000 calories a year, or a 16-pound weight gain.
Added sugars/syrups lurk in many places, including in ketchup, peanut butter, crackers, salad dressings, soups, frozen entrees & fruit cups. Be sure to check the ingredients list. Sugar's aliases include high-fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, brown sugar, agave nectar, cane crystals, corn sweetener/syrup, dextrose, evaporated cane juice, fructose, fruit juice concentrates, glucose, invert sugar, lactose, maltose, malt syrup, molasses, honey, and sucrose.
If you love dessert, go for fruit instead. Sugar isn't added, and fruits' vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant nutrients help protect you from added sugars' aging effects. You can have an ounce of heart-friendly dark chocolate, too.
If you must have something sweet, be sure to take Omnitrition®'s PhasoTrim® before you eat!  Phaso Trim® is made from a plant extract that helps block calories from carbs.

Phaso Trim® reduces the amount of insulin secreted by the pancreas & helps to burn existing fat. Promotes weight loss even without being on a diet. You can still eat the carbs; you just won't wear them!

Omnitrition's PhasoTrim blocks much of the calories from carbs!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Obesity and Cancer Risk

Obesity is already linked to diabetes & heart disease. A recent study showed that breast cancer patients who are obese have a greater risk that their cancer will return.
Dr. Joseph Sparano of the Montefiore Einstein Center for Cancer Care is author of a new study that observed outcomes of patients with breast cancer. For women receiving the most up-to-date treatment, being obese increased the risk of recurrence by 24% & death by 37%. The increased risk was limited to women whose tumors were fueled by estrogen. Levels of estrogen may be boosted by an enzyme in fatty tissue. The study, also, showed an increased risk in those who were simply overweight.
Having a Body Mass Index(BMI) of 25 to 29.9 is indicative of being overweight, while those with a BMI of 30 or more indicates obesity.
It's not just recurrence of breast cancer that has been linked to being overweight/obese. The odds of getting cancers increase in the following:
  • Esophagus
  • Pancreas
  • Colon & Rectum
  • Breast
  • Kidney
  • Endometrium(Uterus)
  • Thyroid
  • Gallbladder
Omnitrition has the best weight loss products! I lost 90#!

Omnitrition® has the best weight loss supplements including Omni Weight Loss Drops®, that are fast & easy!

Lose weight fast & easy with Omni Weight Loss Drops!
For those who don't smoke, maintaining a healthy weight & getting enough exercise can be beneficial to prevent cancer according to a report in the journal, Cancer.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Does Coffee Prevent Cancer?

Good News for Coffee Lovers: It May Prevent Cancer

Borrowed from RealAge

In the war against cancer, caffeine may be very beneficial. Even decaf may be just as powerful as the caffeinated kind. In some research, coffee has been linked to lower rates of cancer, including breast cancer.

The four types of cancer that coffee helps are:

1.  Endometrial cancer.

Research indicates that women who drink lots of coffee are 25% less likely to develop endometrial cancer than those who don't. Suggest drinking at least 4 cups per day.

2.  Prostate cancer.

New data has been linked to coffee, whether caffeinated or decaf, warding off prostate cancer. Suggest 1 to 6 cups daily.

3.  Common Skin cancer.

Coffee acts to shut down basal cell carcinoma according to researchers. Drink more than 3 cups each day.

4.  Breast cancer.

Menopausal women who drink lots of coffee run 20 to 50% lower risk of some types of breast cancer. Need to drink at least 5 cups of regular coffee daily.
Omnitrition's Thermo Java helps prevent cancer.

Thermo Java® is Omnitrition®'s Unique Thermogenic Coffee.

  • Includes highly beneficial effects of DHEA(Research indicates that DHEA has been shown to improve or stabilize signs and symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus.)
  • Anti-aging
  • Decreases body fat
  • Increases muscle tone
  • Increases bone density
  • Promotes well-being & decreases pain
  • Increases sexual function & pleasure
  • Enhances activity of the immune system
  • Improves memory
  • Helps increase life span
  • Helps reduce heart disease
  • Improves quality of sleep
  • Helps prevent cancer, arterial disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and helps treat Lupus.
Omnitrition's Thermo Herbal Tea helps prevent cancer.

Thermo Herbal Tea®, Omnitrition®'s Amazing Thermogenic Fat Burner

Has the same amazing ingredients as the Thermo Java, but in a green & black tea combination.  It is my favorite drink.  Also, comes in sugar free packets.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Foods & Allergies

Here are some common cross-allergies:

If fall ragweed gives you the sniffles, apples, bananas, melons, cucumber, chamomile tea, echinacea, honey, & nuts may, too.  If you're allergic to bananas or latex, beware of eating avocado or melon.

What foods can actually help allergies?

According to Dr. Mehmet Oz, eating plenty of Vitamin B-rich foods, particularly those with lots of folate, may help control allergies. This is because Vitamin B-rich foods & folate improves the immune system to common allergies. Those with a high folate diet can see a 31% lower risk of allergy symptoms, like watery eyes, runny nose, & eczema and a 40% lower risk of wheezing. Be sure to get at least 700ug of folate. Even if no allergy problems, you want to get plenty of folate, which also helps heart disease & birth defects.

Top 10 Foods with Folate(Also, called Vitamin B-9):

1. Yeast Extract Spread
Also, called Marmite, has 1010ug per 100g serving.
2. Liver
Any kind of liver, but Turkey Liver has most with 691ug.
3. Dried Herbs
Dried Spearmint provides most with 530ug. Dried Rosemary has 307ug, then dried basil, chervil, coriander, marjoram, thyme, bay leaf & dried parsley.
4. Sunflower Seeds
Has 238ug folate.
5. Dry Roasted Soybeans
Also, called Edamame, has 205ug folate.
6. Dark Leafy Greens
Such as spinach, turnip greens & collards are high in Vitamin K, calcium, as well as folate making them one of the superfoods. Raw spinach & raw turnip greens provide 184ug folate.
7. Bean Sprouts
Has 172ug folate.
8. Beans (& other legumes including lentils)
Pinto & Garbanzo beans(also called Chickpeas) have 172ug; Mung beans provide 159ug followed by lima, black, yard long & navy.
9. Asparagus
Has 149ug folate.
10. Peanuts
Also a great source of zinc, protein, vitamin E, magnesium, & copper has 145ug folate per 100g serving.

Omnitrition's Charge® Gives you Energy to Face the Day!

Who needs more energy?...almost anyone!
Full of B vitamins, Omnitrition's Charge® is very helpful with: stress, fatigue, anxiety, energy, focus, & concentration. B vitamins are also natural anti-inflammatories. Charge® has 100ug of folate.
Omnitrition's Charge is full of B Vitamins including Folate!
Omnitrition's Shield® is a multivitamin, in capsule form, with a strong mineral base. Antioxidants help protect the body from harmful free radicals & toxins, that cause damage to cells, thereby leading to such infections & various degenerative diseases like heart disease & cancer. Everyone should take antioxidants! They are, also, beneficial to people who suffer from allergies & chronic sinus infections! Shield® contains 1mg of folic acid, which is a synthetic form of folate.

Gayle Sibat, Winter Springs, FL- With cancer & heart disease running in my family, I use Shield® for my protection. I, also, no longer take medication for asthma & allergies. & I haven't had a sinus infection for years!
Omnitrition's Shield has folic acid & helps with allergies!

OMNI 4® is America's Best Liquid Vitamin!

This orange, papaya-flavored drink is a good foundation for all ages, 0 to 100 & older!
1. Puts balance in your body by helping to get rid of toxins that build up in your system.
2. Most diseases & illnesses can be attributed to lack of proper nutrition. Taking Omni 4® every day will ensure you are giving your body what it needs.
3. It is very beneficial to people who suffer with asthma & allergies. Everyone should be on Omni4 ®!

Heidi Whitehair of Buckley, WA put her son, who was diagnosed with asthma at the age of one, on Omni 4® liquid vitamins. He has been medication & symptom free for over 11 years!

Omni4 liquid vitamins from Omnitrition helps with asthma & allergies!
Omnitrition's Thermo Herbal Tea® is more than a weight loss product. We like to call it a "Health Tonic". It contains:
1. Green Tea, which provides a powerful antioxidant & helps protect cells from damage linked to cancer, heart disease & other illnesses.
2. Theobromine aides in cognitive brain function, memory & well-being. It is, also, a natural diuretic.
3. Synephrine burns fat, increases physical performance & helps to build lean muscle mass.
4. DHEA is anti-aging! It decreases body fat & pain as it increases muscle tone, mobility, & life span. It promotes well-being, health & longevity, enhances the activity of the immune system, reduces heart disease, improves sleep & helps to prevent cancer, arterial disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease & helps treat Lupus.
5. Tyrosine is a mood elevator, suppresses appetite, reduces body fat, aids in the function of the adrenal, thyroid & pituitary glands. It, also, helps with stress reduction, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, allergies & headaches.

Lindsey Brown, Winter Springs, FL- I lost 13 pounds and went from size 12 to an 8 & no longer on asthma inhalers. I, also, love Thermo Java®.

Gayle Sibat, Winter Springs, FL- I lost 90 pounds, going from size 22 to 4 & I no longer need medication for asthma or allergies.
Since drinking Thermo Herbal Tea from Omnitrition, I no longer need medication for asthma & allergies.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Natural Anti-Wrinkle Remedies

As you age, your body naturally produces less collagen & elastin, connective tissue that makes your skin firm & supple. The layer of fat under your skin, also, begins to disappear. Thus, the skin, particularly on your face, starts to sag & wrinkle.
Omni4 is America's Best Liquid Vitamin!  Made by Omnitrition, it helps fight wrinkles & fine lines!

OMNI 4® is America's Best Liquid Vitamin, also, comes with Glucosamine!

This orange, papaya-flavored drink is a good foundation for all ages, 0 to 100 & older!
1. Puts balance in your body by helping to get rid of toxins that build up in your system.
2. Most diseases & illnesses can be attributed to lack of proper nutrition. Taking Omni 4® every day will ensure you are giving your body what it needs.
4. Glucosamine helps with muscle, tissues, tendons & joints. Helps to eliminate fine lines & wrinkles. Promotes new tissue growth & delays the progression of osteoarthritis.
6. Co-Enzyme Q10, "The Spark of Life", an anti-aging nutrient, helps with renal failure, congestive heart failure, hypertension, neurological & neuro-degenerative diseases, diabetes & cancer. Studies have shown breast cancer to be linked to a decrease in plasma Co-Q10 levels. Everyone should be on Omni4 ®!
Thermo Herbal Tea is a "health tonic" from Omnitrition has DHEA, which is anti-aging!

Omnitrition's Thermo Herbal Tea® is one of my favorite anti-aging tricks. It contains:

1. Green Tea, which provides a powerful antioxidant & helps protect cells from damage linked to cancer, heart disease & other illnesses.
2. Theobromine aides in cognitive brain function, memory & well-being. It is, also, a natural diuretic.
3. Synephrine burns fat, increases physical performance & helps to build lean muscle mass.
4. DHEA is anti-aging! It decreases body fat & pain as it increases muscle tone, mobility, & life span. It promotes well-being, health & longevity, enhances the activity of the immune system, reduces heart disease, improves sleep & helps to prevent cancer, arterial disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease & helps treat Lupus.
5. Tyrosine is a mood elevator, suppresses appetite, reduces body fat, aids in the function of the adrenal, thyroid & pituitary glands. It, also, helps with stress reduction, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, allergies & headaches.
Your skin is your body's largest organ, so it is a target for free radicals. Free radicals travel throughout your body & cause problems including wrinkles. You can't help producing free radicals, but you can help neutralize them.
Shield is Omnitrition's Antioxidant. Antioxidants help protect from free radicals. Do you have your Shield up?

SHIELD® is Omnitrition®'s Very Own Antioxidant!

Antioxidants help protect the body from harmful free radicals & toxins, that cause damage to cells, thereby leading to such infections & various degenerative diseases like heart disease & cancer. Everyone should take antioxidants!

Do you have your Shield® up?

Dr. Mark Wahlqvist of Melbourne, Australia found that certain foods can actually protect your face from wrinkles, particularly foods that contain powerful antioxidants, including vitamins, carotenoids, polyphenols, & other phytochemicals.
Are you getting your Phytonutrients?  Omnitrition's formula uses the finest ingredients.  These phytochemicals help fight free radicals.

PhytoNutrients® is Omnitrition's® Stress Buster!

Are You Getting Your Phytonutrients?

Research shows that fruits & vegetables are powerful defenders of our health. The National Cancer Institute recommends eating at least 5 to 9 servings of fruit & vegetables each day. This leads to the recommendation that you should, also, eat fruits & vegetables of varied color, because different colors have different phytonutrients & properties. Unfortunately, only about 10 percent of us take part in following this advice. That is why Omnitrition® provides us with a phytonutrient supplement. Some studies have shown that phytochemicals can:
  • Act as antioxidants to neutralize "free radicals" that can cause cell damage
  • Stimulate the immune system
  • Stimulate detoxification enzymes
  • Act as antibacterial or antiviral agents
  • Positively affect hormones(alter estrogen metabolism)
  • Enhance cell-to-cell communication
  • Cause cancer cells to die
  • Repair DNA damage caused by smoking & other toxic exposures
  • Detoxify carcinogens

Here is the list of foods that seem to fight wrinkles:

  • Apples
  • Asparagus
  • Celery
  • Cherries
  • Dried Fruit
  • Eggplant
  • Eggs
  • Garlic
  • Grapes
  • Jam
  • Lima Beans
  • Melons
  • Multi-grain Bread
  • Nuts
  • Olives
  • Onions
  • Pears
  • Prunes
  • Spinach
  • Tea
  • Water
  • Yogurt
Don't forget to use olive oil, which resists skin cell damage. Meals, like those in a typical Greek diet, that blend vegetables, legumes, & olive oil provide even more protection against wrinkles.

Avoid these wrinkle causing foods:

  • Butter & Margarine
  • Cakes, pastries, etc.
  • Ice Cream
  • (Full-fat)Milk
  • Potatoes
  • Red Meat
  • Soft Drinks
Nite Lite lets you sleep & iron your face at the same time!  Get this wonderful sleep aide from Omnitrition!

Nite Lite® is Omnitrition®'s Natural Sleep Aide.

Nite Lite® is an incredible multi-purpose product! It is my last anti-wrinkle weapon!  The ingredients in it are formulated to allow your body to get to the metabolic rate(REM) it needs to be at during the night to repair, restore, & rejuvenate. Our bodies were meant to sleep at night. Most of us don't allow ourselves enough time to sleep. Lack of sleep is one of the quickest ways to age your body & set yourself up for diseases & illnesses.Nite Lite® benefits include:
  • Proven & Documented Benefits of H.G.H
  • Restores muscle mass. Decreases body Fat.
  • Helps counteract Osteoporosis by Increasing Bone Density.
  • Thickens Skin; Reduces Wrinkles.
  • Increases Energy.
  • Restores Vital Organ size(Your liver & heart shrink with age.)
  • Improves Vision & Memory.
  • Elevates Mood.
  • Normalizes Blood Pressure.
  • Increases Sexual Function & Pleasure.
  • Helps menstrual cycle regulation & effects of Menopause.
  • Increases Cardiac Output & Stamina--Inhibits & Reverses human biological Aging.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Goals to Live Longer

Lifestyle can affect aging. In order to add years to your life to live to a healthy 100 or more, try these:

1. Stop Smoking.

You can increase your lifespan by 10 years if you stop smoking by age 30, 8 years if you quit by age 40 & 6 years if you quit by age 50.

I have heard people taking these nutritional supplements from Omnitrition® were able to quit smoking:

OMNI 4® is America's Best Liquid Vitamin! Everyone should be on Omni4 ®!

OMNI 4® is America's Best Liquid Vitamin!

This orange, papaya-flavored drink is a good foundation for all ages, 0 to 100 & older!
1. Puts balance in your body by helping to get rid of toxins that build up in your system.
2. Excellent compliment to a weight loss program, because your body will lose weight much easier if it is in balance.
3. Most diseases & illnesses can be attributed to lack of proper nutrition. Taking Omni 4® every day will ensure you are giving your body what it needs.
4. It is very beneficial to people who suffer with asthma & allergies.
5. Glucosamine helps with muscle, tissues, tendons & joints. Helps to eliminate fine lines & wrinkles. Promotes new tissue growth & delays the progression of osteoarthritis.
6. Co-Enzyme Q10, "The Spark of Life", an anti-aging nutrient, helps with renal failure, congestive heart failure, hypertension, neurological & neuro-degenerative diseases, diabetes & cancer. Studies have shown breast cancer to be linked to a decrease in plasma Co-Q10 levels. Everyone should be on Omni4 ®!
Omnitrition's Charge® Gives you Energy to Face the Day!

Omnitrition's Charge® Gives you Energy to Face the Day!

Who needs more energy?...almost anyone!
Full of B vitamins, Omnitrition's Charge® is very helpful with: stress, fatigue, anxiety, energy, focus, & concentration. B vitamins are also natural anti-inflammatories, so they are helpful for people who suffer from many kinds of muscle or joint aches & pains. In addition, Omnitrition's Charge® has Phenylalanine, a natural pain killer. For those who want to lose weight, it also contains an amazing appetite suppressant, Garcinia Cambogia. Omni4® & Charge® work together, like a marriage, giving your body exactly what it needs.
Phytonutrients are stress busting!

PhytoNutrients® are Omnitrition's® Stress Buster!

About Phytonutrients: 
  • Act as antioxidants to neutralize "free radicals" that can cause cell damage
  • Stimulate the immune system
  • Stimulate detoxification enzymes
  • Act as antibacterial or antiviral agents
  • Positively affect hormones(alter estrogen metabolism)
  • Enhance cell-to-cell communication
  • Cause cancer cells to die
  • Repair DNA damage caused by smoking & other toxic exposures
  • Detoxify carcinogens

2. Eat More Fruits & Vegetables.

Have at least 2 1/2 cups of vegetables & 2 cups of fruit each day. Eating more of these, and less unhealthy fattening snacks, can help with obesity, which in turn lowers your risk of death.
Get Omni Weight Loss Drops to drop weight fast & easy!

Omnitrition® has Easy to Use Great Tasting Products for Incredible Weight Loss!

Including: New Omni Weight Loss Drops®! Who wants to lose up to 1-2 pounds per day? Fast & Easy to Use!

3. Be Safe on the Road.

Always wear your seatbelt when riding in an automobile. Always wear a helmet when riding a bike, riding a motorcycle or other similar modes of transportation, & riding a horse.

4. Sleep Well.

Be sure to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each day. Getting less than 5 hours a night may shorten your lifespan.
Omnitrition's Nite Lite helps you sleep like a baby!

Nite Lite® is Omnitrition®'s Natural Sleep Aide.

Nite Lite® is an incredible multi-purpose product. The ingredients in it are formulated to allow your body to get to the metabolic rate(REM) it needs to be at during the night to repair, restore, & rejuvenate. Our bodies were meant to sleep at night. Most of us don't allow ourselves enough time to sleep. Lack of sleep is one of the quickest ways to age your body & set yourself up for diseases & illnesses.  Sleep deprivation is the#1 medical problem in the U.S. today.  Nite Lite® is excellent for people who suffer mild to severe sleep disorders, as well as, people who suffer any type of muscle aches or pains.

5. Stress Less.

Try spending a few minutes each day deep breathing. Let go of angry feelings. Find something fun to do. Exercise helps with stress, too.

Omnitrition®'s Charge® & Phytonutrients® are great for people with a lot of stress!

6. Turn Down the Volume.

Protect your ears from loud noises by wearing earplugs. And keep the volume down when listening to music. Prolonged exposure to anything over 85 decibels can cause gradual hearing loss.