1. It isn't just those who are overweight that get high cholesterol. How much cholesterol you produce is mostly genetic. 75% of the cholesterol in your body is produced in the liver & other cells.
2. Both good(HDL) & bad(LDL) cholesterol are important, because HDL clears LDL from your blood.
Omni Smart® is Omnitrition's® oral chelator. It roto-rooters your blood vessels from plaque. |  |
3. Eating 2 apples a day lowers your overall cholesterol by 14% & lowers LDL by 23%. |
4. What else can you do to help? Increase your physical activity, quit smoking, & lose at least 10% of your body weight can increase your HDL by 20-30%. Take Omni 'Drops'® & drop all the weight you want. I lost 35# in 6 weeks. It is fast & easy. |  |
5. Did you know babies that are breast fed ingest 6x the amount of cholesterol than the average adult? Early exposure to cholesterol may improve the bodies ability to metabolize cholesterol later in life.
I don't know about you, but I would much rather take nutritional supplements & exercise than take medication, that have side effects, for cholesterol. My side effects have been feeling great! Many were able to quit taking medication for cholesterol & high blood pressure by taking Omni Smart®, as well as, losing weight on the Omni 'Drops'®. |